The Limited Times

The 121st victim: Patient in the Corona-Crown Department of Laniado | Israel today

4/13/2020, 4:46:35 PM

The man in his 80s suffered from background illness. • He said goodbye to his daughter who came in well protected and accompanied by a health woman

The man in his 80s suffered from background illness. • He separated from his daughter who went into full protection and accompanied by a staff member. • The 111th victim: a woman in the 1940s who suffered from background illness.

At noon (Monday) Laniado Hospital informed that a patient had died in the Corona-Keter outbreak department. The patient, a man in his 80s, suffered from background illness. The hospital department staff allowed his daughter to come in to say goodbye to the patient in his final moments. His daughter separated from her father when she was fully protected and accompanied by a teammate. The hospital said they were "participating in the family's heavy grief."

Corona Questions and Answers // Photo: Ministry of Health

Earlier today, at Kaplan Hospital, we updated that another patient who was admitted to the scene after being infected with Corona - passed away this morning. As a result, the number of Korona victims in Israel rose to 111.

The woman who passed away, in her 40s, suffered from background illness and was among the occupants of her teacher's residence in Gedera, which serves as a home for people with mental retardation. The residence is among the places where recently coronated patients stayed.

Leaving the center, Moria Gedera said: "We participate in the grief of the family and accompany and strengthen the family during these difficult times"

Laniado Hospital updated on the passing of a Corona patient in his 80s who suffered from background illness. "The department staff allowed his daughter to break up in the last few moments, fully protected and accompanied by a teammate. We are part of the family's heavy grief," Melaniado said.

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Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Health data released this morning, the number of coronated patients in Israel has risen to 11,235, of which 181 are in serious condition, of which 133 are respiratory. 1,689 patients recovered and released to their homes.

The distribution of patients in cities over 5,000 residents shows that Bnei Brak still tops the list with 1,888 verified patients, and a rate of 966 patients per 100,000 residents, followed by Kiryat Yearim with 39 patients and a rate of 682. In Jerusalem 2,093, Tel Aviv 458, Tiberias 133 and Migdal Haemek there are 99 Patients with a 379 rate.

Concentration of patients in communities of over 5000 residents. Pdf.pdf

Concentration of patients in communities of over 5000 residents. Pdf.pdf

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