The Limited Times

Holiday News Summary | Israel today

4/15/2020, 5:46:20 PM

In the country

Fears of Corona eruption in Arab sector, closure imposed on Deir al-Assad • Trump: "Stop World Health Organization Financing" • Aircraft tried to eliminate Hezbollah activists

  • Police mobility at the entrance to Deir al-Assad // Photo: Hertzi Shapira

Concern over the spread of the Corona virus in the Arab sector

Concern about the outbreak of the Corona virus in Arab communities in the Western Galilee, due to a very high level of virus infection that was discovered in the Deir al-Assad locality and other localities in the area. As of Wednesday morning, there are 23 verified corona patients in Deir al-Assad, four patients in Nahaf, three in Nablus and one in Majd al-Chrome. This is an alarming trend in light of previous data collected in the area that could indicate an outbreak of the epidemic in the localities.

The Ministry of Health in coordination with the Home Front Command, MDA, local councils and the Israeli police to handle the incident and residents of Deir al-Assad and surrounding communities were called to quarantine and not leave their homes, and to maintain social remediation guidelines, following the Ministry of Health's epidemiological investigation in the Northern District. Find that there is concern about hundreds of potential contractor contacts.

Hadassah Hospital treated Corona patients contrary to the Ministry of Health's instructions

Attempted to produce corona treatment trial at Hadassah Hospital: Despite the Ministry of Health's directive last week that hospitals will not collect blood donations from Corona recoverers to produce antibodies to treat the virus, Hadassah Hospital announced today that at least five Corona patients have been treated Plasma, taken from corona healers and containing antibodies to the virus.

The hospital reported that in recent days, hospital crews sampled dozens of Corona patients at the Dan Jerusalem Hotel for patch testing and antibody testing, in order to produce a "concentrated test", as defined, for treating severely ill patients. The tests are now underway and H will be done again in about two weeks. It is, as mentioned, a procedure done in contravention of the Ministry of Health, which defined Corona's treatment as a "national resource" which should only be carried out by MDA's blood bank.

Trump v. World Health Organization

US President Donald Trump announced tonight (between Tuesday and Wednesday) that the United States will stop funding for the World Health Organization (WHO). In a special statement from the White House lawn, Trump claimed the missing information and conflicting instructions they gave from the organization caused many victims. "Too many people have died because of this organization's mistakes," he said.

"The opportunity to investigate the causes of the spread of the virus in the world will come" commented to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterresch, "Now is not the right time to cut back on World Health Organization resources but time to consolidate and strengthen the efforts of the international community working together to overcome the virus. ".

An attempt to assassinate Hezbollah activists on the Syria-Lebanon border

Israeli aircraft on Wednesday attempted to assassinate Hezbollah operatives in the Lebanon-Syria border. This is what the Syrian Center for Human Rights reports. Two missiles were reportedly fired at a jeep in the vicinity of the city of Jadeid Jabus in Syria on the Beirut-Damascus road, near the border with Lebanon. According to various Arab reports, the target was Hezbollah senior Imad Karimi.

The missiles hit the target, but it is still unclear what the status of the passengers is. Sky News in Arabic reported that the target for the elimination was a senior Hezbollah organization. Reuters reports that no gunshot wounds have been reported.

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