The Limited Times

The number of infections in Corona rose to 13,107; The number of victims is 158 | Israel today

4/18/2020, 7:28:09 AM


Corona spread in Israel • The number of infected patients is 167, of whom 118 are respirators • The number of recovered persons increased to 3,247 • One of the deceased lived in the "home in the heart" in Bat Yam, where the outbreak occurred this month • Default nursing home: all subjects from the geriatric center "Diagnosed as negative for the virus

The Ministry of Health released updated data on the spread of the Corona virus in Israel this Saturday. The number of infections increased to 13,107, of which 9,390 were in mild and 145 in moderate. In the hospital, 167 patients are currently in serious condition, of which 118 are respiratory, a decrease of almost nine percent compared to data released last night. Also, the number of recoverers is 3,247.

The closure of the localities of Deir al-Assad and Bena // police spokesmen began

Meanwhile, the number of victims of the Corona virus rose to 158 this morning after the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv announced that a woman, aged 89, had died last night, who was admitted to the hospital after she was infected with a home in the nursing home, a "home in the heart" in Bat Yam, where an outbreak occurred. At the Poriya Hospital in Tiberias, this morning, a 77-year-old Corona patient passed away who was hospitalized for several weeks after contracting the virus while suffering from many background illnesses. At the hospital, family members allowed him to say goodbye to him during his last days of life. 

A little more from the data this morning: Characteristics of patients - one-third of patients (34%) are asymptomatic. That is, no symptoms at all.

About a quarter (27%) had fever and respiratory symptoms. Another 14% had fever and no respiratory symptoms and another 22% had respiratory symptoms but no fever. Largest age group among patients: 2,916 patients are 20-30 years old. Approximately 1200 patients are over Deal 70. There are also 1628 patients aged 10 to 19 and 653 of them are toddler babies and children up to age nine. 1328 medical personnel are in solitary confinement. Of these, 430 brothers and sisters and 176 doctors and doctors.

Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot reported this morning that the three patients of the Beit Hadar Geriatric Center, who were re-examined after fear of incorrect results at the first examination, were diagnosed as negative for the virus. In fact, all of the nursing home patients admitted to Kaplan, Barzilai and Assuta hospitals in Ashdod were hospitalized based on the incorrect test results obtained from the Weizmann Institute, as were the 29 senior residents of Ashkelon, who turned out last night to show that they were all negative for the virus. 

The Ministerial Committee for the Definition of a Limited Area has decided to determine the municipal area of ​​Deir al-Assad and Ben'a as a restricted area within the meaning of the regulations, for a period of one week, after which it will decide what the next steps will be. The announcement took effect this morning at 8 p.m. This was followed by concern over the outbreak of the Corona virus. 

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