The Limited Times

The owner of the capital established by a private corona lab | Israel today

4/21/2020, 4:13:28 PM

A businessman from France has set up a Corona Laboratory for equity holders while the state suffers from a lack of testing • "It's not my concern" United States

A businessman from France set up a Corona Laboratory for Equity Owners, while the state has more than 20,000 victims and suffers from a shortage of tests • "That's not my concern"

  • Corona Lab "for the rich only" // Photo: Eyal Margolin

While throughout France, the Corona victims are approaching 20,000 and there is a shortage of tests and hands-on care, a small billionaire group in an enclosed complex in San Tropez maintains an independent corona testing department at their expense without helping the rest of the picturesque city of the French Riviera. Those responsible for these scandalous luxury conditions are French pharmacist Jean-Louis Ugar, who owns several clinics across France so that he could set up a 270-acre private site manager's office with a private lab with a doctor and testing technician. 

The current injustice cries out to the sky for the simple fact that the nearest hospital, which serves the rest of the locals, has no corona virus test kits. In other words, luxury condominium owners on the site, including billionaires from all over the world, have a private corona test clinic when the rest of the population has no defense capability, which is very important to prevent the deterioration of patients.   

When a local media outlet contacted Jean-Louis Ugar, about how all the thousands of peasants and residents may have no checks and the rich have, he replied: "That's not my concern." He added that "he is doing research and experimental treatments with my companies for Corona, and these are not just tests but part of research. If the French government removes the closure we will have no problem taking samples of the other residents as well." 

On the other hand, locals claim that this is not the case and that it is actually medicine for the rich. A local hospital doctor who expressed anonymity said "this reality is just plain dumb. We have no way of helping the public. We are in a nightmare and there are other conditions." 

In other words, when there is money there is probably medicine and even assistance by new experimental drugs, which can save lives. 

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