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Torch is expected to strongly attack Gantz and Ashkenazi: "The new government is an alliance of crooks" | Israel today

4/21/2020, 3:22:11 PM


"Israel Today" Drafted Speech to Speaker Yeshiva Intends to Deliver Tonight Of anything related to the crisis with outright panic "

  • Yair Lapid in attack on unity government: "Alliance of crooks" // Photo: Gideon Markovich

 Former No. 2 in Blue and White, Chairman of the Future MK Yair Lapid is expected to attend a press conference this evening with the aim of sending his former partner Blue and White, MK Benny Gantz. But for Saffi, who has always kept his speech content secret until the last minute, it didn't work out this time. The draft of his speech reached "Israel Today" and it emerges that this time, Lapid chooses to send his former partner MK Gabi Ashkenazi. 

The draft speech states that "it is neither the unity government nor the emergency government that is an alliance of crooks. Blue and white members have crawled into the fifth Netanyahu government and are handing over the destruction of democracy. They have given up everything they have committed to it."    

More on: 

Torch on government agreement: "There is no limit to disgrace" 

Blue and White falling apart: Torch and Ya'alon asked the Knesset to split their parties from the list 

"Leading torch for election during plague" 

Torch sold hatred - Gantz cleans the wounds

And this is where Torch for the first attack also comes up against Ashkenazi: "This is not an 'emergency government because of the Corona'. Gantz and Ashkenazi did not even ask the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Finance Committee, the Economic Committee or the Corona Committee. Escape from anything related to the crisis with outright panic." Later on, Lapid clarifies the message he repeated last week "during an economic crisis with over one million unemployed and small businesses collapsing the largest government of all time. 36 ministers and 16 deputy ministers. Spend hundreds of millions of dollars on jobs and honors."

Before Lapid concludes with the promises of Yesha Futur regarding liberal democracies and strengths, he makes it clear: "Establishing this government is a certificate of corruption. Corruption does not "fight on the inside." If you're inside, you're corrupt. "

In the future, they argued that this was not a draft speech, but a "message page for activists in the field." This is despite the fact that no election campaign is currently taking place, and in any case there is no field activity in the face of the Corona crisis and the Ministry of Health's guidelines. 

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