The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 289 new deaths, 24,376 deaths since the start of the epidemic

4/30/2020, 5:41:31 PM

According to the latest assessment communicated by the Directorate General of Health, this Thursday, 4019 patients are currently being treated in intensive care.

On this 45th day of confinement, France deplores 24,376 deaths linked to the coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic. In detail, 15,244 people died in hospitals and 9,132 in social and medico-social establishments, including nursing homes.

In the past 24 hours, the authorities have announced the death of 289 additional people in the country, including 191 in hospitals and 98 in social and medico-social establishments.

A total of 26,283 patients remain hospitalized in the country to date due to a covid-19 infection, or 551 patients registered less in the past 24 hours.

91,600 people were hospitalized in all

Nearly 4,019 people are also still in intensive care because of a Covid-19 infection. That is 188 new cases less than the day before, while the decline has been underway for almost three weeks in this service.

Since the start of the epidemic, 91,600 people have been hospitalized.

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