The Limited Times

Over the Last Day - Two Imprints | Israel today

5/9/2020, 6:54:27 PM

| In the country

Despite the Ministry of Health's ban on access to water and swimming sources, two people drowned - one in Kinneret and the other in Ashkelon • One was diagnosed as a Corona patient in hospital

Despite the restrictions and the ban on swimming at the beach, two people drowned over the past weekend. Last night (Friday) a man drowned in his 30s at a pomegranate beach in Tiberias. After being withdrawn from the water, CPR operations were performed on it by MDA crews who were able to recover his pulse.

The man later went to Poriya Hospital in Tiberias, where he underwent a corona test and was diagnosed as positive. He was admitted to the hospital's designated ward in a human condition and is anesthetized and breathed. 6 MDA members and 3 police officers went into solitary confinement after coming in contact with him in rescue operations. 

Paramedic MDA Taleb Abdullah said: "When we arrived on the scene, we saw a man unconscious, breathless and without a pulse, assisted by MDA drives arriving on motorcycles, we performed advanced and prolonged resuscitation operations until his heart returned, and after we stabilized his condition we evacuated him to the home Patients with continued care, when their condition is difficult and stable. "

In the meantime, today at noon, a man near the separated beach in Ashkelon remained. The man, in his late 40s, presumably a resident of the Occupied Territories, is in serious condition when he is unconscious at Barzilai Hospital in the city for continued treatment.

Ethical paramedic MD Sri Sri said: "When we arrived, we saw on the waterfront a man about 48 years old unconscious, told us that with the help of a lifeguard who happened to be on the beach, pulled him out of the water after he drowned, we gave him life-saving medical treatment and urgently evacuated him to the hospital when his condition was difficult and stable. . "

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