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Covid-19: Did New York underestimate its death toll by several thousand?

5/11/2020, 8:36:28 PM

According to a study by the American Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), the number of deaths caused by the new coronav

Between March 11, the date of the first known death of the coronavirus in the American metropolis and May 2, New York recorded 32,000 deaths, 24,000 more than expected, compared to previous years.

However, the American Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) reveal in a study published on Monday that, over this period, the city's official figures have identified 13,831 confirmed deaths from the virus and 5,048 probable deaths from Covid -19, a total of 18,879 deaths linked to the virus.

This leaves 5,293 dead exactly without a recorded link with the pandemic but which could be linked "directly or indirectly to the virus", according to this analysis. Estimates of excess mortality are often used to measure the severity of epidemics, note the CDC.

The State most affected by Covid-19

The organization specifies that the measurement of “probable” or “confirmed” cases notably excludes the deaths of people who had no access to tests, those whose test would have returned negative by mistake, or who died far from everything hospital. With more than 330,000 cases reported, and more than 26,000 deaths reported according to Johns Hopkins University, New York State has been the hardest hit by the epidemic in the country. It also registered 161 deaths from Covid-19 on Sunday, according to its governor, Andrew Cuomo. A figure down sharply from the record of 799 recorded on April 9.

If certain regions of the state will be able to gradually revive their economy from May 15, New York City will not be affected immediately. No date has been set for deconfinement there, and Mayor Bill de Blasio has said it may last until at least June.

Even if the current figures "point in the right direction, they must be confirmed in a more sustainable way. Right now, that takes us to June, ”said Bill de Blasio. "When June approaches, we will be able to say if things are really in place, and then which sectors will we be able to soften," he added.

"We have avoided the worst"

According to the governor, Andrew Cuomo, some rare outdoor activities can resume throughout this state of 20 million inhabitants, such as gardening, open-air cinemas, or leisure activities such as tennis. For the rest, the start of deconfinement should only concern the regions remote from the first American metropolis, which will be able to restart their construction and manufacturing sectors on Friday, the date on which the current containment decree for the whole of the State.

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“We have avoided the worst because of what we have done, and now we can intelligently turn to reopening on May 15, this Friday. The regions need to start preparing for it, and so do the people, ”said Andrew Cuomo.

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