The Limited Times

Different from what you knew: This is what New Ben Gurion looks like | Israel today

5/14/2020, 1:32:24 PM

Benevol Anti-Corona: Cameras that will beep if you enter without a mask or with heat • Airline sign-in • Disinfecting robots and shielding | Tourism

Cameras that will beep if you enter without a mask or with heat • Entrance only with a plane ticket • Disinfecting robots and safeguards • Benevolence like you've never seen

Ben Gurion Airport this morning introduced all the new technologies and safeguards introduced to Ben Gurion Airport for Israel's return to Israel. Since March, the airport has been deserted for most of the day, and passengers arriving are mainly those returning to their homes abroad or Israelis rescued from various countries around the world.

Talking to Shmuel Zakai, Ben Gurion Airport Director, tells of the change, "We will have to arrive four hours ago, here we put all the safeguards here, from a camera that checks heat and mask wear, through separating workers and passengers and marking two feet on floor stickers and disinfecting posts and robots Who work nonstop to ensure that the airport is as clean and secure as possible. Only those who arrive with a plane ticket can enter Ben Gurion Airport, escorts cannot enter the terminal area. "

"The first countries we can fly to will be Cyprus and Greece, later countries will join, but in the first phase this will be limited. We are constantly working to find more solutions, the possibility of setting up a laboratory in Ben Gurion alongside other options that ultimately aim to allow passage During the lunch hour, the Prime Minister of Georgia announced that Israel would be the first country with the country to sign a tourism agreement and it would also appear to be one of the first countries we can visit very soon.

When we did a test, we tried to enter Ben Gurion Airport with a glass of boiling water as it was placed near my forehead, the camera immediately detected the high heat and beep even before we reached the front gate. Another test we did when we tried to enter Ben Gurion without a mask, even then the camera detected, whistled and alerted me. Guarding a person trying to enter the airport without a mask.

Talking to travelers arriving at Ben Gurion Airport, they refer to the new procedures and technologies, "It doesn't matter if we like it or not, it's excellent, it protects travelers, it makes us feel safe, it keeps us healthy and it's the most important thing there is. We, for our part, have to do our utmost to maintain our health and we see that there are those who work hard to help us with that. "

Zvicki Abramovich, director of the Hong Kong-based airline Cathay Pacific at the airport, also addressed the new changes and the company's desire to operate flights to Israel: "Ben Gurion has done a very good job with the terminal adjustments for Corona-era flights. We all hope the sky will open soon, and if In part - we expect the Ministry of Health to put not only summer vacation destinations but business goals that are important to the Israeli economy such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and South Korea, which, in terms of our corona, are no less good than ours, as well as most European countries. Health will open the sky for us - we will return immediately to Fly and open the sky to the east for the State of Israel. "

At present, there is no expectation of the state opening for tourists, but only Israelis can enter the country and they are also sent home for 14 days. A host of airlines have already announced their return to Tel Aviv, including Air Canada, Portuguese TAP, British Airways, US Delta, the Irish Lucoust Rainier and quite a few companies.

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