The Limited Times

There is no evidence of a death threat - acquittal

5/15/2020, 6:04:56 PM

According to prosecutors, a warehouse clerk threatened to kill his boss when he tried to fire him. But that could not be proven in court. 

According to prosecutors, a warehouse clerk threatened to kill his boss when he tried to fire him. But that could not be proven in court. 

Gelting / Wolfratshausen - A 42-year-old Wolfratshauser had to answer to the district court for threats, willful bodily harm and coercion. On November 7, 2019, he is said to have first slapped his boss's head with an empty plastic bottle in the warehouse of a company located in the Gelting industrial estate and then slapped him for about half an hour. Because the warehouse clerk also threatened to kill his superior, the latter only informed the police three weeks later out of fear.

A mistake, as was now shown at the negotiation. "We were just talking, there was nothing else," the defendant claimed. Because he had previously reported sick and, according to the managing director, carried out his tasks unreliably, conflicts had arisen earlier. "He even grabbed the boss once by the collar," reported one employee. There was no warning after this incident.

A dramatic afternoon in Gelting

The afternoon of November 7 is said to have been even more dramatic: the 67-year-old employer and the warehouse clerk were alone in the warehouse for half an hour. When describing the events, the Munich man struggled for words in the courtroom: "He hit me on the head with the bottle and then missed me two sips so that I fell to the floor," he reported. After that, he was asked to sit on a chair like an interrogation. "He told me that he was a soldier and knew how to kill people without leaving any traces," said the owner. Then he received further slaps in the face. Shortly before an employee arrived, the warehouse clerk is said to have let go of his victim. "He threatened to kill me if I contacted the police," said the 67-year-old.

The victim did not go to the doctor - a mistake 

He went home in shock and took psychotropic drugs for the next few weeks to calm his nerves. He also wrote an immediate termination notice to his employee and had his company's locks in Gelting replaced. On the advice of his lawyer, he filed a criminal complaint three weeks after the incident. The entrepreneur waived a medical examination. "I had only slight swelling and bleeding in my eye, the psychological consequences were much worse," he claimed. Since there was no certificate, there were no eyewitnesses and the incident was not immediately reported to the police, it was difficult to provide evidence during the trial.

Read also: Interview with the outgoing district court director

"I believe that something has happened, but I cannot prove it," judge Helmut Berger regretted. He followed the recommendations of the public prosecutor's office and the request of attorney Carlota Hagemeyer to clear the accused of all allegations. 

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