The Limited Times

[Hong Kong version of the National Security Law] Liu Zhaojia: 4 types of crime targets are clear in the future or there are more project legislation

5/21/2020, 4:35:00 PM

On the agenda of this year's National People's Congress, it was proposed that the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" should be implemented in Hong Kong in Annex III of the Basic Law, disguised as part of the national security legislation. Liu Zhaojia, deputy chairman of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association, analyzed the reasons for the legislation to "Hong Kong 01" and stated that he would block national security loopholes. He also pointed out that there will be more national security-related projects in the future. If there are security risks and threats, legislation will continue.

Political situation

Written by: Zheng Baosheng

2020-05-22 00:22

Last update date: 2020-05-22 00:22

On the agenda of this year's National People's Congress, it was proposed that the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" should be implemented in Hong Kong in Annex III of the Basic Law, disguised as part of the national security legislation.

Liu Zhaojia, deputy chairman of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association, analyzed the reasons for the legislation to "Hong Kong 01" and stated that he would block national security loopholes. He also pointed out that there will be more national security-related projects in the future. If there are security risks and threats, legislation will continue.

Last year ’s Fourth Plenary Session proposed the establishment and improvement of laws and mechanisms to safeguard the national security

Liu Zhaojia said that the Central People's Congress proposed legislation at the May People's Congress meeting, which was later than expected. Because the Fourth Plenary Session was held in November last year, the meeting proposed "establishing and improving a legal system and enforcement mechanism for the maintenance of national security in the Special Administrative Region." Under normal circumstances, the relevant central government departments should immediately follow the instructions and should meet in March. It was proposed by the National People's Congress meeting, but the outbreak of new coronary pneumonia occurred earlier this year, so it was only proposed when the two sessions met in May.

Liu Zhaojia explained that the national security issues facing China have become more and more serious in recent years. The idea of ​​Hong Kong independence is quite common. The United States has stepped up its attempts to control Hong Kong affairs. The opposition plans to "speculate" to control the Legislative Council to paralyze the governance of the SAR government, reflecting Hong Kong ’s National security-related regulations are not complete.

Liu Zhaojia pointed out that the Fourth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee arrived last year, and it is necessary to establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism for the special administrative region to maintain national security. (Profile picture)

Each of the four types of crimes has its own indicators to interfere with Hong Kong independence and external forces

"Hong Kong 01" learned that the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" mainly includes four major categories, including splitting the country, subverting the state power, terrorist activities, and external forces intervention. Liu Zhaojia pointed out that these projects have clear targets.

He refers to the provisions related to the split of the country, which are aimed at Hong Kong independence and separatism. Terrorism refers to the "black storm" forces that emerged after the anti-revision incident, which threatened the lives and property of Hong Kong people.

Regarding the intervention of external forces, Liu Zhaojia refers to foreign countries cultivating agents in Hong Kong, subsidizing anti-China, anti-communist and anti-government forces, and instigating and organizing unrest in Hong Kong. These external forces include Taiwan independence forces and foreign non-governmental organizations.

As for the subversion of state power, Liu Zhaojia pointed out that this is a long-term threat, because the central government has long pointed out that external forces have used Hong Kong as a base to oppose and subvert the central government. In particular, he pointed out that the US forces launched the "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act" last year in an attempt to control the behavior of the SAR government and seize the power of governance in Hong Kong. He also pointed out that external forces instigating and financing participation in riots all involved the subversion of state power.

Liu Zhaojia pointed out that this time the central government is enacting the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", which is aimed at plugging loopholes in response to the current national security risks and threats, and other measures including Article 23 of the Basic Law will still be done.

Health and cyber security also need to pay attention to the need for future or legislation to plug loopholes

Liu Zhaojia also pointed out that from a global perspective, national security legislation is an endless process. In the past, it may have been directed against incidents such as espionage, but in recent years, people have raised national security issues in other areas, such as finance, health, cyber security, technology, technology, If necessary, food safety and other projects will also make legislation on national security loopholes in these areas in the future.

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