The Limited Times

7-year-old storm: Ministry of Education conclusions published | Israel today

5/21/2020, 6:47:06 PM

| EducationThe examination team appointed by the Education Ministry today ruled it unnecessary to require the 7-year-old to remove the dress she wore to school, in view of her young age The post that the mother uploaded on social networks Photo:  From Facebook The Ministry of Education announced Thursday (Thursday) the conclusions of the incident at a school in Petah Tikva where a 7-year-old girl was wa...

The examination team appointed by the Education Ministry today ruled it unnecessary to require the 7-year-old to remove the dress she wore to school, in view of her young age

  • The post that the mother uploaded on social networks


    From Facebook

The Ministry of Education announced Thursday (Thursday) the conclusions of the incident at a school in Petah Tikva where a 7-year-old girl was walking around for a full day with a school shirt and underwear after the teacher refused to wear a dress on which the school's emblem was printed. 

According to the test team, there was room for flexibility in this case given the young age of the student as well as the fact that the "discipline violation" was not serious - because the student arrived at the school with a uniform in color and wearing the school's emblem. However, the team believes this is a complex, but unfortunate, and unnecessary event that has caused a great deal of harm to a student in her family, educator and school. 

According to the debriefing, last Monday, a second-grader arrived in a dress, and without a school outfit as set by the bylaws. So the class teacher had a conversation with the mother, asking her to come to the school to change her clothes, but it claimed she was on her way to school. The response teacher suggested to the mother that the school give the girl a clean school shirt. At the time, she asked the mother, whether the student had a pants under the dress.

The mother stated, according to the same investigation, that the girl has pants under the dress and she approves of giving the girl the school costume shirt. It is also alleged that the girl changed clothes independently. However, the mother claimed in the media that she did not even allow her to change clothes. "When they talked to me on the phone, I thought they would be told to wear another shirt with the school emblem on the dress. For a moment I did not think she would be kept in such a short pants. The girl felt humiliated" . The Ministry of Education therefore argues that this is an unfortunate misunderstanding between the mother and the teacher.

The investigation also shows that at the end of the day, the mother arrived at the school gate to pick up her daughter. She yelled at the classmate and called her derogatory names. The educator, on her part, approached the mother in an attempt to talk to her and reach a dialogue, but the mother refused.

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The Ministry of Education concludes that this is an unfortunate case and that the system sees the good of the girl before her and will do everything to keep her safety and her personal strength. Parents were offered a support system, but the parents refused to receive this support, stating that they preferred to contact a professional on their behalf. 

"In the meantime, despite the severe crisis that exists now between the girl and her family and the school, every effort must be made to create a companion and supportive relationship with the family, regardless of the parents' decision to transfer the girl to another school in the city," the study results said.

The ministry also emphasizes that in light of the storm on social networks and the media, the teacher is also in great distress. This is a long-standing and respected teacher. Our assessment is that the teacher was not acting with the intent to do evil, but was apparently wrong in judgment. In our opinion, it is important that a counselor or psychologist personally accompany the teacher and support her in the complex process she is facing.

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