The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law | Democratic Party Liaison Organizers Demonstration Involved in Violation of "Restrictions on Public Orders" by Police

5/22/2020, 6:17:00 AM

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened this morning (22nd). The agenda includes consideration of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The draft mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. This afternoon (22nd), members of the Democratic Party went to the Chinese Communist Party to hold an off-site demonstration. They pulled up banners and shouted slogans. During this time, Hu Zhiwei and others quarreled with the police because of the "restriction of public order" issue. They were finally charged by the police. Let go. At about 1 pm, the members dispersed after laying down their banners outside the gate of the Liaison Office.


Author: Ling Yide

2020-05-22 14:06

Last update date: 2020-05-22 14:06

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened this morning (22nd). The agenda includes consideration of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The draft mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. This afternoon (22nd), members of the Democratic Party went to the Chinese Communist Party to hold an off-site demonstration. They pulled up banners and shouted slogans. During this time, Hu Zhiwei and others quarreled with the police because of the "restriction of public order" issue. They were finally charged by the police. Let go. At about 1 pm, the members dispersed after laying down their banners outside the gate of the Liaison Office.

At noon today (22nd), the Democratic Party held a march against the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law". The chairman of the Democratic Party, Hu Zhiwei, members Yin Zhaojian and Luo Jianxi, went to the Chinese Communist Party to hold demonstrations outside. (Photo by Cai Zhengbang)

At noon today (22nd), the Democratic Party held a march against the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law". Democratic Party Chairman Hu Zhiwei, members Yin Zhaojian and Luo Jianxi attended the parade. At about 12 noon, Hu Zhiwei and others pulled up the banner with the words "Destroyed Hong Kong by the National Security Law". When the people marched to the off-site position of the Central Liaison Office, several police officers were already on alert on the off-road section.

In the meantime, police officers confronted Hu Zhiwei and others, and also set up a blockade line. The police accused them of violating the restriction order and asked them to show their ID cards. They also issued warnings three times and demanded immediate dissolution and departure. Afterwards, after the members of the Democratic Party presented their ID cards, the police officers copied their personal data and made a ticket.

At about 1 pm, the Democratic Party members were released. They walked outside with the banner on the door of the Liaison Office, and placed the banner behind the door to disperse. Some members of the Democratic Party revealed that about 30 of them participated in the march today, and 8 of them started as a group. During this time, the police officer accused them of violating the restriction order, and a total of 24 members of the three groups were charged.

Full text of the Decision of the National People's Congress on Establishing and Perfecting the Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to Maintain National Security (Draft):

In order to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, uphold and improve the "one country, two systems" system, safeguard Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability, and protect the lawful rights and interests of Hong Kong residents. According to Article 31 and Article 62 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China With regard to the provisions of Items 2, 14 and 16, and the relevant provisions of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the National People's Congress makes the following decisions:

1. The country is unswerving and comprehensively and accurately implements the policies of "one country, two systems," Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong "and a high degree of autonomy, adheres to the rule of law in Hong Kong, maintains the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as determined by the Constitution and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and takes necessary measures Improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism for the maintenance of national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and prevent, stop, and punish acts and activities that endanger national security according to law.

2. The state firmly opposes any foreign and foreign forces interfering in the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in any way, taking necessary measures to counter it, and preventing, suppressing, and punishing foreign and foreign forces' use of Hong Kong's splitting, subversion, infiltration, and sabotage activities in accordance with the law.

3. Safeguarding national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity is the constitutional responsibility of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall complete as early as possible the legislation to safeguard national security provided for in the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The administrative organs, legislative organs and judicial organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall effectively prevent, stop and punish acts that endanger national security in accordance with the provisions of relevant legal bodies.

4. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall establish and improve institutions and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security, strengthen law enforcement forces, and strengthen national security enforcement. The relevant organs of the Central People ’s Government for the maintenance of national security shall set up institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as necessary to perform their duties related to the maintenance of national security.

5. The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall regularly submit reports to the Central People ’s Government on the situation of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region performing its duties of maintaining national security, conducting national security promotion education, and prohibiting acts that endanger national security according to law.

6. To authorize the Standing Committee of the National People ’s Congress to formulate relevant laws on the establishment and improvement of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ’s legal system and enforcement mechanism to safeguard national security, and effectively prevent, stop and punish any division of the country, subversion of the state ’s power, organization of terrorist activities, and other serious hazards Safe behavior and activities of foreign and foreign forces interfering in the affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decided to include the above-mentioned relevant laws in Annex III of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, which will be promulgated and implemented by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region locally.

Seventh, this decision shall take effect as of the date of promulgation.

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