The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law | The Pakatan Rakyat said the draft is practical and feasible to avoid economic deterioration

5/22/2020, 5:35:06 AM

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened this morning (22nd). The agenda includes consideration of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The draft mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. The Pakatan Rakyat issued a press release today in support of the decision, arguing that legislation can target the current social situation and safeguard national security, while taking into account the political reality of Hong Kong ’s difficulty in making laws on its own. The practice is pragmatic and feasible. As soon as the news came out, Hong Kong stocks plunged more than a thousand points before the close this morning, further hurting the Hong Kong stock market.

Political situation

Written by: Chen Chuolan

2020-05-22 13:24

Last update date: 2020-05-22 13:28

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened this morning (22nd). The agenda includes consideration of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The draft mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces.

The Pakatan Rakyat issued a press release today in support of the decision, arguing that legislation can target the current social situation and safeguard national security, while taking into account the political reality of Hong Kong ’s difficulty in making laws on its own. The practice is pragmatic and feasible. As soon as the news came out, Hong Kong stocks plunged more than a thousand points before the close this morning, further hurting the Hong Kong stock market.

The Pakatan Rakyat believes that legislation can target the current social situation and maintain national security, while taking into account the political reality of Hong Kong ’s difficulty in making legislation on its own. (Profile picture)

According to the Pakatan Rakyat, Hong Kong has not made legislation on national security in the past 23 years, but it is currently threatened by internal and external forces. The Hong Kong government also lacks the conditions for local legislation. The central government is forced by the situation, so it exercises its power in accordance with the Constitution. Solve the security threat posed by Hong Kong to Beijing.

Affected by the epidemic in the past few months, Hong Kong ’s GDP shrank by 8.9% in the previous quarter and the unemployment rate rose to a 10-year high of 5.2%. According to the Pakatan Rakyat, national security legislation is only aimed at actions that "seriously endanger national security." This move is conducive to safeguarding Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, safeguarding the legitimate rights and freedoms of Hong Kong's citizens, as well as the practice of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and appeals to all sectors of the Hong Kong community to support it.

According to the Pakatan Rakyat, if the recurrence of violence will affect Hong Kong ’s economy, the unemployment situation will continue to deteriorate, bringing unbearable consequences for Hong Kong. Legislation will help Hong Kong stop the violence and return to the rule of law, so that the economy will not continue to deteriorate. However, since the news of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" came out yesterday, the HSI fell more than 1,100 points this morning, a record low of nearly two months, and even securities analysts pointed out that if the NPC passes the draft, it is believed that some foreign investment will be withdrawn , Hong Kong stocks will continue to decline.

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