The Limited Times

Coronavirus: 1,665 patients still in intensive care

5/23/2020, 4:57:09 PM

A total of 17,987 people are hospitalized for Covid-19 infection, according to a report by the Directorate General of Health, communicated

The decline continues. Resuscitation services, crucial in the management of the new coronavirus epidemic, continued to decongest over the weekend, according to figures released on Saturday by the Directorate General of Health.

Across the country, 1,665 patients with a severe form of Covid-19 are hospitalized in intensive care, 36 less than the day before and 467 less than a week earlier. Only 30 new patients have been admitted in the last 24 hours to these critical case services.

Four regions, Île de France, Grand-Est, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Hauts-de-France, account for 72% of patients hospitalized in intensive care.

17,987 hospitalized patients

A total of 17,987 people were hospitalized for a coronavirus infection, compared to 19,432 a week earlier, including 233 admissions recorded in the past 24 hours. In overseas France (Guadeloupe, Guyana, Reunion, Martinique, Mayotte), there are 102 hospitalizations, including 15 in intensive care.

After several confusions in recent days, the Directorate General of Health was unable to communicate the updated mortality data this weekend. According to Santé Publique France, this figure amounted to 28,289 deaths on Friday. The next update is expected on Monday.

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