The Limited Times

Poisoned drinks in Munich supermarkets: police forcefully warn - and investigate “attempted murder” 

6/4/2020, 12:52:59 AM

Terrifying news from Munich: The police are investigating attempted murder - and are warning the population. Three people bought a soft drink that poses a deadly danger.

Terrifying news from Munich: The police are investigating attempted murder - and are warning the population. Three people bought a soft drink that poses a deadly danger.

  • The Munich police are investigating for attempted murder .
  • An unknown person has several bottles in Munich supermarkets with poison added.
  • The police warn the population - and look for witnesses .

Munich - Anyone currently buying drinks in Munich must be careful: there is a risk to life. The police issue an urgent warning to citizens to be careful - because in two supermarkets in the west of Munich , deadly poison has been discovered in beverage bottles! The police investigate attempted murder and look for witnesses.

To date, the team of the 22-member “Tox” special commission has known four specific cases: In March and April , three Munich-based soft drinks were bought, which were mixed with solvents. A contaminated bottle also appeared later.

Poisoned drinks in Munich: Customers complain of dizziness and nausea after consumption

These manipulated drinks bottles were placed on the store shelves. In three cases, these bottles were purchased by customers and consumed in small quantities. All three people affected (a 34-year-old, a 42-year-old woman and a 48-year-old man, all from Munich) complained of dizziness , nausea and circulatory problems after consumption

Already the smell was strange and when they drank a few sips they noticed a strange taste. In one of the drinks there was also a milky substance on the bottom of the bottle . The two women had to be treated immediately in the hospital. All three complained of dizziness, nausea and circulatory problems after consumption. In the meantime, those affected are doing well again, but they were lucky! "If they had drunk the entire bottle, they would have died," said police spokesman Werner Kraus.

Poison in drinks bottles: women from Munich have to be treated

Immediate medical treatment was necessary for the two women. In the course of the subsequent investigations, the correlations between the facts emerged. The existing danger only became known due to the extensive investigations and analyzes. 


Bottles of drinks containing poison have appeared in several Munich supermarkets (symbol image).

© dpa / Christoph Soeder

The investigation also showed that a fourth bottle was found to have been manipulated before it was sold. Based on current knowledge, the investigation was carried out by Commissioner 11 of the Munich police . The allegation is attempted murder

He does not want to reveal which solvent it is - out of concern for imitators. The investigators do not want to reveal exactly which food markets are involved. Just so much: “There are different retail chains . We therefore do not assume that the perpetrator (s) are targeting a specific chain, ”explains Kraus. In contrast, it is always the same soft drink - which, the police are currently still open. "Any drink can be affected," warns Kraus.

Poisoned drinks in Munich: motive completely unclear

The biggest problem: the motive is still completely unclear . "So far there have been no demands or anything similar that would reveal a goal," says Kraus. And that is exactly what makes things so tricky: The perpetrators could strike anywhere - in all of Munich and with every drink! Immediately after the first incidents, the police started an extensive investigation. The officers found a fourth poisoned drink in one of the two supermarkets - just in time before anyone could buy it. "The investigations and analyzes of the substance took some time, which is why we are only now turning to the public," says Kraus. 

In the past, a blackmailer in Constance tried to put supermarkets under pressure with poisoned foods.

Police warn of further poison drinks in Munich

Warning message : It is strongly recommended to pay attention to the integrity of the circlip when buying beverage bottles with screw caps. In some cases, visible contamination was found on the four bottles identified so far . When opening a bottle , a noticeable smell can be perceived here. The taste has been described by the people affected so far as bitter and artificial-chemical. If the bottle is suspicious , the substance should not be disposed of, but the police emergency number 110 should be informed immediately.


Attention! Every supermarket and every drink could be affected by poison attacks, according to the police.

© dpa / Julian Stratenschulte

Poison in drink bottles in Munich: Witnesses wanted

Call for witnesses : Have there been similar incidents since March 2020, in which manipulated bottles were purchased or in connection with the described health impairments in connection with consumption? Persons who can provide relevant information are requested to contact the responsible Commissioner 11, SOKO Tox, Tel. 089 / 2910-0 or any other police station immediately.

In Corona times, what a man did in Freiburg is not without its dangers. He licked groceries at a supermarket and then put them back on the shelf.

Not poisoned food, but a poisonous animal was recently discovered in a supermarket in Munich.

You can always read the latest news from Munich here. 


* is part of the nationwide central Ippen editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Robert Michael

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