The Limited Times

Finland: Israel plans to annex parts of the West Bank

6/12/2020, 7:57:55 PM

Helsinki-SANA Finland confirmed that the Israeli occupation plans to annex parts of the West Bank to its entity


Finland confirmed that the Israeli occupation's plans to annex parts of the West Bank to its entity "are rejected and constitute a violation of international law and international legitimacy resolutions."

According to the Wafa news agency, Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, during his response to an accountability by the President of the Palestinian Friendship Committee in Parliament Veronika Hounkassalo about the occupation plans to annex Palestinian lands, stressed that Finland is part of the European Union and the international community and confirms its rejection of the plans (Israel) annexing parts of The West Bank as a violation of international law and a violation of the United Nations Charter.

Haavisto called on other countries to reject the Israeli annexation plans and their consequences because they violate the right of the Palestinians to determine their fate, which is a mandatory rule in international law.

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