The Limited Times

[Hong Kong version of the National Security Law] The British Embassy in China publishes an online article to refute the Chinese dialect thesis chapter was removed from WeChat

6/19/2020, 8:31:09 PM

The National People's Congress of China passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" at the end of May. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries opposed it, while the Chinese side countered that foreign countries had no right to interfere. The British Embassy in China released "About Hong Kong Issues" on WeChat public account on June 19

Instant International

Written by: Cheng Yihua

2020-06-19 19:26

Date of last update: 2020-06-19 22:54

The National People's Congress of China passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" at the end of May. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries opposed it, while the Chinese side countered that foreign countries had no right to interfere. The British Embassy in China published the article "Corrections on Hong Kong Issues" on the WeChat public account on June 19, listing recent Chinese remarks on Hong Kong issues and setting out the British positions one by one.

The British side stated in the article that the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" is still in effect, and said that the new national security law violates the Sino-British Joint Declaration and there is a risk of further splitting Hong Kong's fragile social system.

However, this article was later removed from WeChat and was rated as "This content cannot be viewed due to violations of regulations", and the words "Suspected by users and reviewed by the platform, suspected of violating relevant laws, regulations and policies" appeared.

After the article was published, it was removed from the WeChat platform and the words "This content cannot be viewed due to violations" appeared (website screenshot)

In the article, the British Embassy in China listed 8 paragraphs of Chinese officials or official media remarks on Hong Kong issues, and then described the British position one by one, including denying the British support for Hong Kong independence, pointing out that the United Kingdom clearly recognizes that Hong Kong is part of China under the framework of one country, two systems, etc. .

British side: The Hong Kong version of the National Security Law violates the Sino-British Joint Declaration

Regarding China’s claim that “Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs”, the article responded that in order to maintain world peace and security, each country should respect and support international law. The new national security law violates China’s Social responsibility also refers to the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" guaranteeing a high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong's administration, legislation and independent judiciary until 2047.

The article also stated that the new national security law has the risk of further splitting Hong Kong’s fragile social system. Therefore, the British side, together with other countries, urged China to reconsider and make efforts to return to peace and harmony. The content of the article indicates that the new national security law does not have a legitimate legal basis in the Basic Law and violates the "Sino-British Joint Declaration."

The article also mentioned that there are indeed some Hong Kong people who support the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, but not everyone supports it, and quoted the survey saying that 64% of Hong Kong people opposed this law.

On May 28, 2020, the National People's Congress of China passed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" by 2,878 votes in favor, 1 against and 6 abstentions. (AP)

Denies organizing protests

Regarding the statement that "foreign interference caused protests", the British Embassy in China said in the latest article that "the statement that the United Kingdom or other countries organized protests in some way is wrong. We hope that China can cooperate with the international community to protect Hong Kong Prosperity and development, not make false accusations."

As for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the “Sino-British Joint Declaration” was a historical document and did not have practical significance. The article responded that the Sino-British Joint Declaration was an international treaty with legal effects registered in the United Nations, from June 12, 1985 to the present. Still works.

The United Kingdom has repeatedly stated that it opposes the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, and Sino-British relations are tense. The picture shows Johnson (pictured) welcoming visiting French President Macron (Getty) in London on June 18

China has repeatedly stated that foreign countries have no right to interfere

After Beijing proposed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law," many politicians in the West criticized China. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly refuted that the issue of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's national security legislation is purely China's internal affairs, and no foreign country has the right to interfere.

The G7 foreign ministers issued a joint statement on the issue of the Hong Kong version of the national security law on June 17, demanding that the Chinese government reconsider the relevant decisions. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded on June 18 that he issued a joint statement to the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven countries and said irresponsibly and resolutely against Hong Kong affairs.

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