The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law|The government condemns the referendum organization that launched strikes and strikes: ulterior motives

6/20/2020, 5:53:13 PM

The "Two Million Three Strikes Union Front" and "Secondary Student Action Preparation Platform", which gather 30 trade unions, held a referendum today (20th) to decide whether to strike on the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law. The SAR government issued a manuscript again in the afternoon and strongly condemned it. A government spokesman said that people and organizations with ulterior motives have been using various methods to discredit national security legislation, disseminate untrue and misleading information, and confuse the public with deception to try to create social instability. A government spokesman reiterated that the SAR government unswervingly supports and fully cooperates with the "Decision" passed by the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress Standing Committee on national security legislation to fulfill the responsibility of maintaining national security.

Social News

Written by: Zheng Cuibi

2020-06-20 16:05

Date of last update: 2020-06-20 16:05

The "Two Million Three Strikes Union Front" and "Secondary Student Action Preparation Platform", which gather 30 trade unions, held a referendum today (20th) to decide whether to strike on the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law.

The SAR government issued a manuscript again in the afternoon and strongly condemned it. A government spokesman said that people and organizations with ulterior motives have been using various methods to discredit national security legislation, disseminate untrue and misleading information, and confuse the public with deception to try to create social instability.

A government spokesman reiterated that the SAR government unswervingly supports and fully cooperates with the "Decision" passed by the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress Standing Committee on national security legislation to fulfill the responsibility of maintaining national security.

▼"Two Millions and Three Strikes Union Front" and "Secondary School Action Preparation Platform" held a referendum ▼




A government spokesman said that he strongly condemned the organized launch of a "strike and referendum." The spokesman emphasized that the National Security Law to be formulated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress is to prevent, suppress and punish crimes and activities by a very small number of people who seriously endanger national security, thereby protecting the vast majority of citizens who abide by the law and keep Hong Kong in full. After being destroyed by violence in the past year, it can be restored to a safe and stable city. The spokesman believes that this important measure is aimed at ensuring the stability of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and maintaining social prosperity and stability. The spokesman said that national security legislation will not affect the rights and freedoms enjoyed and exercised by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law. Judicial independence and Hong Kong’s core values ​​will also be protected.

The spokesman pointed out that people and organizations with ulterior motives have been using various means to discredit national security legislation, disseminate untrue and misleading information, confuse the confusion, and attempt to create social instability. The spokesman reiterated that the Basic Law and the Hong Kong legal system do not have a "referendum" system. The so-called "referendum" has neither a constitutional basis nor legal effect. The "strike referendum" just uses citizens and students to achieve political ends.

The spokesman said that it is absolutely unacceptable for a civil servant trade union to openly encourage civil servants to participate in the so-called "strike referendum" "joint union action" and oppose national security legislation. Civil servants have the responsibility to implement the work related to national security legislation under the leadership of the Chief Executive. They must not engage in actions against the national security legislation in the port area. Participating in the so-called "strike referendum" in the name of the civil servants' union will make the outside world mistakenly believe that they represent the majority of civil servants, making people feel that civil servants are working against the government and seriously damaging the good reputation of the civil service.

A government spokesman said that people and organizations with ulterior motives have been using various methods to discredit national security legislation, disseminate untrue and misleading information, and confuse the public with deception to try to create social instability. (Profile picture)

There have been reports that offices of District Councillors are used as relevant polling stations. The spokesperson pointed out that according to Articles 1 to 3 of the general guidelines of the Code of Conduct for District Councillors and Committee Members of District Councils: District Councillors should not make any threats Or damage their personal integrity, impartiality, objective judgment or ability to perform their duties; the manner in which district board members act should not put them in a situation that may defy the public’s expectations of the district board members’ generally expected code of conduct; and the district Members should ensure that their actions do not damage the credibility of the District Council. In addition, according to paragraph 23 of the "Guidelines on Arrangements for Remuneration, Allowances and Expenses Reimbursement for Members of the District Councils of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region", if DC members pay the operating expenses of the office with the reimbursements of operating expenses and other reimbursable allowances/expenses reimbursed, It must be ensured that the office is used to perform district council duties. If the parliamentarian's office is used as a so-called "referendum" polling station, the relevant expenses will not be refunded.

If individual students repeatedly persuaded not to change, schools should follow the school-based training and punishment

The spokesperson continued that organizations have continued to use various means, including the use of campuses as venues for expressing political appeals, to initiate so-called "referendums on strike" in an attempt to prevent national security legislation. Schools should be places to build character, recognize national identity, cultivate law-abiding awareness and enjoy learning, and should not involve politics. Both parents and teachers should recognize the truth, lead by example, and work together to return to campus tranquility. The spokesman believes that the school should take appropriate measures. If students are found to initiate, organize, participate in or encourage classmates to participate in these activities, they should be advised immediately. If individual students are repeatedly advised not to change, schools should follow the school-based training and punishment mechanism to maintain discipline and order. If the student is aware of the above behavior, the Education Bureau will also contact the relevant school to follow up and provide support and instructions.

The spokesman reiterated that the SAR government unswervingly supports and fully cooperates with the "Decision" passed by the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress Standing Committee on national security legislation to fulfill the responsibility of maintaining national security.

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