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Post review: Gantz gave up official residence | Israel today

6/22/2020, 1:35:43 PM

| politicalIn a letter sent by the replacement prime minister, his private home will be used as a residence. • He also clarified that he also waived the extra expenses for the family members who live with him. Gantz Photo:  Ohad Ziegenberg Against the backdrop of criticism against him, the replacement prime minister and defense minister Benny Gantz announced on Sunday that he was giving up an official s...

In a letter sent by the replacement prime minister, his private home will be used as a residence. • He also clarified that he also waived the extra expenses for the family members who live with him.

  • Gantz


    Ohad Ziegenberg

Against the backdrop of criticism against him, the replacement prime minister and defense minister Benny Gantz announced on Sunday that he was giving up an official state residence during his role as replacement prime minister and that he would continue to reside in his home in Rosh HaAyin. Gantz also made it clear that he had also waived the extra expenses involved in an exchange home.  

In a letter sent by Gantz to MK Moshe Gaffney, chairman of the finance committee, he wrote: "I give up the provision of a state residence and announces that the private residence will serve as an alternate residence and therefore the state does not have any other residence available to me."

Reminder - Visiting Prime Minister Benny Gantz in Judea and Samaria // Photo: Tal Oz, Ministry of Defense

Gantz adds in his letter that "in light of the fact that my private watch will serve me during my term as alternate prime minister, I also waive all the detailed expenses, including the provision of staff, expenses related to the property itself, maintenance, including accommodation expenses as required." The last paragraph in the correspondent PM's letter makes it clear that he is giving up economic expenses for his spouse and family members who live with him.

More on:

Prime Minister Gantz - NIS 23 million secured

Blue and white activists are suing Gantz

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As mentioned, in recent weeks there has been a lot of criticism against a blue-and-white chairman on the grounds that he is wasting public money. Among other things, the claim is that he is asking for another residence, another security budget and more. Early this month, for example, it was announced that the security regulations for prime minister, in which case The replacement Prime Minister Benny Gantz, who now also serves as the defense minister, includes dozens of police standards and several portfolios that will be allocated on a permanent basis, as I say, in addition to the many expenses incurred by the great government in Israeli history. 

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