The Limited Times

Hong Kong version of the National Security Law|The International Chamber of Commerce in Hebei, China and Hong Kong provide sufficient time for consultation

6/23/2020, 11:33:39 AM

The Hong Kong Conference of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) issued a statement on the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, stating that the central government suddenly proposed legislation, and it was regrettable that the Hong Kong people had not been consulted beforehand. It also affected the confidence of Hong Kong people in the central government.

Financial News

Written by: Zhang Weilun

2020-06-22 20:47

Last update date: 2020-06-22 20:47

The Hong Kong Conference of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) issued a statement on the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, stating that the central government suddenly proposed legislation, and it was regrettable that the Hong Kong people had not been consulted beforehand. It also affected the confidence of Hong Kong people in the central government. The current situation is not clear, and there are many uncertain elements, which makes people more worried about Hong Kong's economic and personal freedom and security.

The statement also pointed out that international people expect that the high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong will be eroded, which is worrying; overseas talents may not want to work in Hong Kong. The Chamber of Commerce believes that the Hong Kong Government should conduct public consultation before the bill is submitted to the National People's Congress for approval. It also hopes that the National People's Congress will have similar arrangements. Both governments must provide sufficient time for formal public consultation. The Hong Kong Government should promulgate the National Security Law at an appropriate time, and its effective date should depend on actual needs and be determined by the Chief Executive in conjunction with the Executive Council.

The Hong Kong Conference of the International Chamber of Commerce believes that the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law should explain what constitutes a violation or violation of the law, and define or clearly state the terms such as "intervention", "collusion" or "harm". The bill must be based on the common law to establish the Hong Kong legal system to reflect the spirit of the rule of law. It should not be retroactive since its promulgation, and should be formulated in accordance with various international human rights conventions and the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights.

The Hong Kong Conference of the International Chamber of Commerce pointed out that the bill should not weaken the independent law of the judiciary in Hong Kong. It also pointed out that the Basic Law is regarded as an important part. It is an important value that the international business community believes that Hong Kong has freedom and conducts business through competition, such as the rule of law and freedom of information. Obtaining the protection and protection of the "two systems" concept, but the national security laws may be unfavorable to this barrier, which makes people worry about the precedent of further destroying this umbrella in the future.

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Hong Kong version of the National Security Law

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