The Limited Times

Berlusconi: Meloni, there is a politicized piece of the judiciary

7/1/2020, 5:10:41 PM

"What was documented last night by" Quarta Repubblica "on the sentence of Silvio Berlusconi is yet another proof that in Italy there is a piece of the judiciary that makes politics and attacks political opponents, instead of seeking justice and ... (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JUNE 30 - "What was documented yesterday by" Quarta Repubblica "on the conviction of SilvioBerlusconi is yet another proof that in Italy there is a piece of the judiciary that does politics and attacks political opponents, instead of looking for justice and giving answers to citizens. Shuddering the idea that the law is not the same for everyone and that they are judges who use their power to strike someone. It is an affront to all those servants of the state who do their job every day and are in trench to defend the rights of Italians. Because without justice there is no freedom ". The president of Fratellid'Italia Giorgia Meloni writes it on Facebook. (HANDLE).

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