The Limited Times

"Survival": United Health Fund | Israel today

7/9/2020, 6:30:51 PM

| TVAge reveals strategy, Regev cries out for "compassion", Little and Israel play double-minded and the surprise motif is lost a moment before the Union • Chapters 28-29 on the machete Union on the machete Photo:  screen "From today you will be called the 'Tundo' tribe," Guy proclaimed, just as soon as we announced "Walla, the joy of an elderly woman in the outdoors," and went to eat schnitzel (...

Age reveals strategy, Regev cries out for "compassion", Little and Israel play double-minded and the surprise motif is lost a moment before the Union • Chapters 28-29 on the machete

  • Union on the machete



"From today you will be called the 'Tundo' tribe," Guy proclaimed, just as soon as we announced "Walla, the joy of an elderly woman in the outdoors," and went to eat schnitzel (without sponsorship, we prepared alone).

Welcome to the most non-climaxian union. Just a question of producing "Survival" - what is it that you need to notify "Anting Anting" about the immunity they can give Regev * before the Tribal Council *? Like, for you, it's enough for Capra to be surprised? And what are we scouts, goats?

• Behind the scenes of "survival"

Why exactly did we need half an hour of yelling and more yelling, "Compassion, Compassion," while we already know that someone from the Capra Alliance will be ousted? Age or Jordan are out of the question because they are badasses (and that production won't allow it), and because David is already seen as treacherous and condescending to "Anting Anting" so he is on target. True, we are smart in retrospect after watching the episode, but the truth is that even while watching, we didn't exactly sit on the edge of the couch with tension, simply because it was already clear which wind was blowing. If we did not know that Regev was going to be saved, this whole council would have looked completely different and the union would really have begun a serious upheaval.

Kitsch vibrations

But let's return to the beginning of this week's episode, which features a delightful "anting ant" about saying goodbye to Kozy, and Elina even gives us the "nonsense dance" that we didn't know was so lacking in our lives. Then they sit down with them in Chill and again, led by Alina, open their hearts and spit on each other wonderful dishes of kitsch, which we just have to open a sub-section of "They Really Said It":

"Your truth is something I have to swim in" (Alina to Little. You know what's in front of you is a sea, right?)

"Every day I see you here, you draw me to you more" (Asi Lalina. And the quarrels from time to time? Braid strokes)

"Emotion and heart is something that controls you" (Alina Lassie. "Master" is the exact word)

"You are an admirable figure" (Little to Israel. Coming soon to the poster "Youth Ma'ariv")

"I look at you, I get vibrations of emotion" (Alina to Israel. Leave the cellphone on)

And back to reality

In "Capra", on the other hand, the general atmosphere of people with disabilities. Ella, who functions as a double agent, plays this beautiful role in Koji's fight (she pointed out to him as a reminder) and we would raise it here as well, but she has already shared so much praise for the move, that there is really no need. Another nice move is that of an era, the determined survivor who will never miss a mission, but in the case of this prize-immunity mission, in which Regev may be ousted, not urgent for an eternity and so he sits aside - you know, to maintain equality among the tribes (yes, Probably). The anxious mantle of repulsion, gives the soul but surpasses Jordan's nerves, which also gives up quickly and leaves it with the rope in hand. Finally, "Anting Anting" wins and we admit we pinch our hearts as we watch them dance and hug, while Regev remains hopeless on the sidelines.

He turns sad, tells every camera that snaps in his way that he is sure he is being impeached, which of course makes us doubt it immediately (on the premise: if a contestant says something will happen for sure - he probably isn't going to happen). However, we would be completely sorry for it, and we would have continued if we had not seen Hunted Eating receive the gospel in the island by reserving the right to attend the Capra Tribal Council and grant the contestant immunity. It's more or less the equivalent of giving them the right to oust a challenger from the other tribe, and the potential for tension over the last ousted identity before the Union collapsed like Dana Ron on the first day of the season.

The dogs are barking and the caravan is blind

And in Tuesday's episode (they went crazy with the random inlay of the episodes), "Anting Anting" does indeed join the council, and Guy who turns to "Kapra" actually begins with the prominent impeachment candidate - David Dvir. It is only possible to tear hairs against the hypocrisy (now it is appropriate, Little) of some of the members of "Anting Anting" (whoever it is said about, you know) when it comes to verbal violence. For example, Israel is staring at David from a frightful look as he speaks and when he says as part of a long, worded phrase that "they bark at us all the time," Israel repeatedly emphasizes the word "barking" and Little emphasizes "about us." Really "no secrets" on your part. A. Tent, B. It's bullshit. Made a nice comparison table?

Asi also goes out against David, and thanks to the shouts, Guy wonders if all this is actually showing what is happening in Israeli society. This, of course, allows for another pleasant airing of the popular-towering discourse that we did not miss at all, and alongside the unpleasant story of Israel (being the only one sent to the polygraph on suspicion of stealing), it is difficult to contradict the claim that he and Little really portray very violent figures. It is not about the witness or the origin, but the personality. True, "Capra" sometimes stinks of snobbery, but are Little and Israel's only options either to be someone's friend or to curse his mother-mother? Obviously, their insult is also related to the fact that they failed to integrate into Capra, but after realizing that Littel will probably never be ousted again, we would be happy if at least she and Israel exchange a record. Where's your spirit of union? Oh, you don't know yet ...

Buzzelo v. Little: "The real coward is you"

Little Smadja: "The joke was at my expense"

• "I will not talk to Jordan Jarby and will not forgive her"

For his part, the era collectively apologizes to Ada and Uma or anyone who was accidentally hurt by it. Along the way, he also reveals his tactics for the season ("Be beautiful and strategic and shut up") and we hope it doesn't mark him too much. You can already see him hooking up with Alina, the tranquil "Anting Ant" marker, to the alliance all the way to the finals.

Regev also tries to raise the level of reconciliation when he makes it clear that "she" has been "totaling" people, but adds that he has not found a listening ear. Not bad, they'll be rescued for a moment and he'll go to sleep seven, but at the moment he is confident of his imminent impeachment and so he finds a new "enemy" in the form of my son, claiming he was not there when he needed him. We certainly like Regev, but he forgets the not always nice "anti-aging" attitude to my son (for example, the "Tomorrow Jokes" of Assi and Regev's face with a welcome), and of course the tribe's preference for Israel to stay instead of my son during the temporary exchange. While it would have been nice on my mother's side to extend a shoulder to Regreg, it is certainly not mandatory and in the bottom line it is childish to try to make him feel bad about it. Yes, even if Regev supported him in the past. This is a very dynamic game and you can't expect anyone who has been with you in the same tribe (and almost everyone already was in all the tribes), to keep you loyal.

Everything is fine? Tundo boom

All this tribal salad leads to just one place - union. But even before, a vote. That is, two votes. A moment after Capra, of course, votes and sends Regev to reunite with Alina, Guy announces that "Anting Anting" will also vote for a contestant to win the defense from impeachment. Of course we already know that, so the last half hour was quite unnecessary. Just imagine where our jaw was if we discovered it just now.

In short, all notes against Regev are canceled and the game is rejected. We feel we have already given him the most accolades possible (in our head now, "Where are some other people like that man"), so let's just add that for the last few episodes, he's a bit gone for us except the occasional glimpses, and it's a shame. Apparently, it's hard to stand out in a season where the choice is between a yoga class with David and a voice development class with Little.

And here we are at Union. An era embracing Assi, Jordan with Little, and these, too, an international strategist, threw caution to the trash and immediately clung to Israel, Assy and Regev (aren't you supposed to be in some dis? Did you forget that you "betrayed" them?). What an idyll! Even the patronage they put in for us at the end was lightly beside us.

Good luck to Tondo, the most unified tribe there is. See you in the next chapter.

• Continue to talk about "survival" on the reality blog "sweet potato"

They really said that:

"They called you in the second clan 'towering'" (Ella, international model, just updating)

"I'm waiting for candles. Like a menorah, I'm waiting" (Little, a bright girl) 

"I wonder if he's on the marble or the floor" (Israel on my son, eh, the good old rag joke)

"And my father understood the law" (David, then we didn't understand, are you from the folk or the towering?)

"Four out of Alina" (Jordan, skeptical of the "Anting Anting" alliance's survival chances)

"I don't see it as less brain-warming than I do" (Little on David. In the next episode - "I'm not less fluent in Yoni Levy")

"Asi does not act in verbal violence" (Little, is with us in a specialist studio)

"Interrupting people? Who did I interrupt?" (Little, it's all bloodshots)

Little: "You did not feel right to be human to me ..."

Jordan: "Little, you wished us to be burned in hell"

Little: "So I was severely injured" (in short Jordan, hand her the World Championship medal, apologize, and then there will be a draw)

"I look active ... active organization" (Regev, a mirror on the wall, who's the hairiest in town?)

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