The Limited Times

Darmanin wants "to stop the wildness of a certain part of society"

7/24/2020, 10:16:17 PM

"We must reaffirm the authority of the State, and not let anything go," added the new tenant of Place Beauvau.

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin believes that "we must stop the enslavement of a certain part of society" in an interview on Friday with, in which he also affirms his desire to "fight with the first energy Islamism. A vocabulary hitherto used mainly by the National Rally of Marine Le Pen, which the majority therefore seems to want to take over. “We are witnessing a crisis of authority. We must stop the enslavement of a certain part of society. We must reaffirm the authority of the State, and let nothing go, ”said the minister on the eve of a trip to Nice on the subject of insecurity.

“My vision is that of the French people of good sense: the police and gendarmes protect us, and they run after the thugs. The role of the Ministry of the Interior is to protect those who protect us, and to help them run behind the thugs, ”he adds.

On Saturday, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti will accompany Prime Minister Jean Castex to Nice, where gunshots recently broke out in broad daylight in front of a supermarket. In this interview, the former Minister of the Budget also reaffirms his will to “fight with the first energy” Islamism.

"Radicality of a very active minority"

"What is very worrying is that today we are faced with the radicalism of a very active minority which clearly wants to put down the fundamental values ​​of our State and the very principle of the French nation", analyzes- he does. “Everyone knows it, we must not be naive about an Islamist radicalism which is a great danger and plagues the Republic. To paraphrase a famous phrase: Islamism, here is the enemy! » , He insists.

"I am worried for the Republic when I see people who, very clearly, on our soil, wish to live in a society other than the French nation," he said. "You have to be blind not to see what is happening," said Gérald Darmanin, affirming that "there is a political project displayed on the part of those who want to end our nation as we know it. We must therefore fight what the President of the Republic has qualified as “the desire for separatism”.

“There is a very strong risk of entry into political and union life. There is associative entryism and sometimes even attempts to enter the public service. So we have to fight against this taqiya , this concealment, ”according to him. On Islam, the minister considers that "we must reaffirm a principle of secularism with a religion perfectly compatible with the Republic, which sometimes suffers from a multiplicity of interlocutors and foreign influences".

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