The Limited Times

Five keys to the new stage of quarantine in the City

8/16/2020, 5:28:12 PM

From this Monday there will be some flexibilities, such as the possibility of practicing individual sports or the opening of hotels for non-tourist purposes. But there will continue to be areas with closed shops.

Nora Sanchez

08/16/2020 - 12:01

  • Clarí
  • Cities

The City of Buenos Aires this Monday half disembarks in the second stage of the six planned to retrace the quarantine, now renamed "isolation." With a stable but high coronavirus case curve, some easing will be implemented, although not as much as expected.

The elimination of the restriction by DNI number to go out to exercise outdoors is one of those flexibilizations, as well as the qualification of individual sports, such as tennis or golf. Instead, the opening of the Once and Avellaneda Avenue businesses was put on standby for a few days , which was initially going to be on Tuesday.

The permission for bars and restaurants to put tables and chairs on the sidewalk, so that people can consume in the place but without waiter service, was left out of this phase. It is one of the things that had been thought for stage two, but for now it will not be implemented.

It is that the comprehensive start-up plan of the City is advancing according to the evolution of the pandemic. In the announcement of how the quarantine will continue, the head of the Buenos Aires Government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, said that for five weeks the number of new cases per day has stabilized at 1,100 . "But the number is still high, which requires us to be very prudent and continue to make an effort all together to lower it," he warned.

There are three factors that look at the Buenos Aires government before "loosening the rope" of isolation a little more. One is the case duplication rate , which according to official data is now 43 days. The second is the R or contagion rate of the virus, which at this time is very close to one. This means that, on average, each person infects one more. Except in 11% of the City, where the rate is higher. The third factor is the level of occupancy of beds in intensive care , which is now 68%.

With all this in view, for the next two weeks of isolation, the Buenos Aires Government authorized, in addition to individual sports, the opening of schools to receive children with connectivity problems in their homes, the operation of hotels without tourist purposes and the development of all professional activities.

In this new stage of isolation, then, five keys must be taken into account .

individual sports

Golf is one of the individual sports that can be practiced from this Monday. Photo: Juano Tesone

From this Monday the practice of the following individual outdoor sports is enabled :

  • Motorsports: Track Test, Automotive Test, Karting.
  • Paddle Ball
  • Runner groups
  • Candle
  • Rowing
  • Equestrian
  • Kayak - Canoeing
  • Tennis: singles mode
  • Padel: singles mode
  • Athletics
  • Golf - Driving
  • Archery
  • Climbing
  • BMX
  • Federated Cycling
  • Figure skating, running skate and skateboarding.

These sports may be practiced in clubs and private institutions , without the use of common spaces, or confectioneries or changing rooms. Also in the Manuel Belgrano Park (former KDT), open for tennis and cycling; the City's golf course in Palermo, and the Oscar y Juan Gálvez racetrack.

In all cases, care and prevention protocols must be followed, and common spaces cannot be used.

The restriction by DNI to do physical activity outdoors is eliminated. Photo Marcelo Carroll

In public space, the Plazas Activas and Buenos Aires Corre programs will return, although the latter will be confirmed at a close date. In addition, from this Monday the running teams with private trainers will be able to start .

The other novelty is that the restriction by DNI number to exercise outdoors was eliminated . Always within the hours of 18 to 10 in the morning, now you can go out every day to walk, run or ride a bicycle, among other activities.

Professionals and other activities

The activity of insurance companies, reinsurance companies and intermediaries is authorized.

The rest of the professional activities can also be resumed , with attention in offices once a week. Until now, only psychologists, accountants and lawyers were qualified.

  • Architects
  • Industrial designers
  • Apparel designers
  • Graphic designers
  • Image and sound designers
  • Degree in Economics
  • Actuaries
  • Degree in Business Administration
  • Degree in Marketing
  • Degree in Systems
  • Lic. In HR
  • Surveyors
  • Degree in Political Science
  • Degree in Sociology
  • Chemical, industrial, mechanical, naval, civil and agronomist engineers.

On the other hand, private parking lots will be able to operate without restrictions.

The missing shops

Once stores and other places where they still cannot work will have to wait a few more days to reopen. Photo: Andrés D'Elía

This Tuesday, the authorities of the Buenos Aires Government will meet with representatives of the Chambers of Commerce of Once , of Avellaneda Avenue and of the Tourism Chambers to develop and close a protocol to present to the National Government, with the horizon that they can resume their activities within the next 15 days.

Work is also being done to open non-essential businesses in the Retiro and Constitución Transshipment Centers, based on a gradual schedule.

When they can reopen, businesses will work  according to the local CUIT number : if it ends in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) they will open on even days; and if it is odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9), they will do it on odd days. The hours will be from 11 to 21.

Meanwhile, customers always have to take into account their ID number before going out to make purchases in non-essential stores. If it is even, they can do it on even days; and if it is odd, the odd ones.


Hotels will open gradually, but not for tourism purposes.

They will open with a special protocol and gradually. It is to meet specific housing needs, for example, if someone needs to come to the City for medical treatment. Or for the essential workers of companies in the interior who have to travel to Capital. To stay, it will be mandatory to present a circulation permit.

Only the rooms will be available. The use of common areas (bars, gyms, spa, pool) will not be allowed. There will also be no minibar or buffet breakfast. The latter will be served in the room or delivered through the "take away" mode.

The temporary shelters, however, were left out of this relaxation and should remain closed.


The Buenos Aires government will open schools so that, with a previous shift, students who do not have connectivity at home to use a computer and the Internet can go.

There are 5,100 students who, due to different social situations, were unable to maintain their link with the school during the pandemic. The Buenos Aires government announced that they will contact them at home to work on each case.

Many were unable to connect with their schools. That is why the Buenos Aires government announced that they will open primary and secondary schools, so that all children with connectivity problems at home can access a computer and the Internet .

The attendance of the boys will be  with previous turn . In buildings and classrooms, distance and protocols must be followed.

Private management schools will be invited to join and open spaces for the use of computers and Internet connection.


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