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The administration examines: "Trump letter" to anchor the president's vision of peace - including the application of sovereignty | Israel today

8/17/2020, 9:01:19 PM

| Political-politicalWill the "Plan of the Century" remain even if the US government is replaced? • The administration is considering publishing a letter with historical implications • The main advantage for Israel: Trump's outline, which includes the application of sovereignty, will also require future presidents, similar to the "Bush letter" Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump // Photo: EPI The US admini...

Will the "Plan of the Century" remain even if the US government is replaced? • The administration is considering publishing a letter with historical implications • The main advantage for Israel: Trump's outline, which includes the application of sovereignty, will also require future presidents, similar to the "Bush letter"

  • Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump // Photo: EPI

The US administration is examining the possibility of anchoring in writing the commitment to US President Donald Trump's vision of peace. This is what Israel Today has learned. The idea was presented to White House officials and is currently in the initial stages of discussions. The purpose of the proposal is to turn the mutual agreement between Israel and the United States on the Trump outline into a binding milestone for the future.

At this preliminary stage, it is still unclear in what way Israel and the United States will agree on Trump's vision. One possibility is to sign a "Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)" stating that the only way to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict would be according to Trump's vision. , Similar to the "Bush letter" from which it emerged that the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria would not be evacuated.

The administration sees paramount importance in keeping Trump active and enforceable, even in the event of a change of government in the United States in the winter.

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In Israel, too, there is great interest in setting the plan so that it commits to the future. Many define the Trump plan as the best presented by an American administration ever. Therefore, both Prime Minister Netanyahu, Blue and White leaders Bnei Gantz and Gabi Ashkenazi, as well as opposition leader Yair Lapid, expressed their support for it.

Until now, the mutual commitment of the United States and Israel to Trump's vision was purely verbal, and it was not put in writing. Due to the mutual interest in making the document binding in the future, and given the possibility that Trump will not be re-elected, a proposal for written mutual commitment arose.

The United States has taken such steps several times in the past. For example, President Ford wrote to Prime Minister Rabin in 1975 that the United States would give much weight to Israel remaining in the Golan Heights. President Bush Jr. wrote to Prime Minister Sharon that the United States recognizes In the demographic changes in Judea and Samaria, which meant that the settlement blocs would remain in place. Despite the importance of such documents, they are unable to oblige the following administrations.

Meanwhile, both Jerusalem and Washington say that apart from the joint statement of the leaders of the United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, there are no other binding documents. The prime minister's close adviser, Aaron Klein, told Israel Today that "there are no other commitments and no other documents. "Not about sovereignty and not about any other issue."

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In an exclusive interview with Israel Today, the American adviser rejected the claim that it was a "deal" to abolish sovereignty in exchange for peace. "The government has twice twice asked Israel to suspend sovereignty. The first time was immediately after the January ceremony, and the second time recently. Given this dynamic, the prime minister decided to accede to the request, and that is what led to the agreement. But there was no deal of 'waiver of sovereignty in exchange for a peace agreement'. These are two separate things. "

Klein, 40, has been working with Netanyahu for less than a year and has gained the status of "secret adviser", as he has almost no contact with others. He is reportedly in very close contact with Netanyahu. In an interview with Israel Today, Klein emphasizes that the agreement with the United Arab Emirates "puts Israel into a new era. Netanyahu proved that the left was wrong. While other Israeli politicians supported the agreement with Iran, Netanyahu was sometimes the only one in the world to oppose this agreement and Iran." Bring the agreement closer. "

He said, "Many thought that the only way to reach an agreement between Israel and the Arab states was after there was an agreement with the Palestinians. Since 2002, many say that only the Arab initiative, which included a withdrawal to 1967 borders and received much attention, is the only formula for peace." To normalize with Arab states, and that they are the ones who will push the Palestinians to abandon their aspiration to destroy Israel. And that is what happened. Now Israel and the United Arab Emirates are making peace, and it is a fundamental change of paradigm. This is the Netanyahu doctrine. "

You said there was no deal, but the question is will there still be sovereignty at all, or is it just talk?

"Sovereignty is currently coming off the table because there was a request from the US administration for a temporary postponement. To anyone who is now attacking Netanyahu for not implementing sovereignty, I say it was irresponsible of Netanyahu to go for a move without American backing. I remind you that Netanyahu is the one there. "The idea of ​​sovereignty on the table. In this aspect, too, he changed the paradigm, because before there was talk of retreats, and now there is talk of sovereignty in settlement."

So if Trump wins, will there be sovereignty?  

"It should be seen in a broad perspective. We have been waiting since 1967 and everyone understands that the postponement is temporary. The prime minister will continue to work on it, and President Trump has already proven he is Israel's best friend in the White House. So Israel will work with the US and it will come at the right time."

Who are the next countries?

"I hope that the Emirates is just the beginning, and that we will see more Arab countries follow soon. This is a plan that the Prime Minister has talked about and worked on many times before. Peace, peace of mutual interests and not peace of retreats. " 

Meanwhile, yesterday it was reported that Mossad chief Yossi Cohen landed in the evening in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Cohen is expected to meet with a team from the local government in order to drive the normalization processes and hold a meeting between the leaders of the two countries.

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