The Limited Times

Kremlin critic Navalny to be treated in Germany

8/20/2020, 4:43:14 PM

The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is in a coma - according to his spokeswoman, he was poisoned. Activists and employees now want to have him flown out to Berlin.

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The well-known Russian government critic Alexej Navalny is in a coma after alleged poisoning - in the Siberian city of Omsk. Now he is to be treated in Berlin. "We are trying to make that possible," said film producer Jaka Bizilj of the dpa news agency. Navalny should be treated in the Charité.

There has already been a confirmation from the clinic. The necessary flight permits are currently still being obtained. Navalny should be fetched from Omsk, where he is currently in the hospital, on a special plane chartered in Germany. The "Bild" had previously reported on the plans.

The request for treatment in Berlin had been brought to him by the family, said Bizilj. The founder of the "Cinema for Peace" initiative spoke of a "humanitarian action" like 2018. Two years ago, the activist Pyotr Verilov, a member of the Russian political punk group Pussy Riot, was brought from Moscow to Berlin for treatment. Versilov suspected the Russian secret service to have poisoned him. Pussy Riot is internationally known for its actions against arbitrariness of justice and corruption.

Navalny's personal doctor Anastassija Wassiljewa had previously indicated that the 44-year-old could be transported abroad. He should be flown to a leading toxicology center in Europe. The doctor did not name a specific country on Twitter. "We ask for your support," she wrote to the Kremlin. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov had previously promised the Interfax agency that an application for such a transport would be examined quickly.

Navalny is currently being treated in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Omsk, Siberia, where he is artificially ventilated. According to his spokeswoman, the 44-year-old suddenly lost consciousness during a flight, which she attributed to deliberately induced poisoning.

The lawyer is the leading head of the liberal opposition and one of the most famous Russian government critics. In recent years he has repeatedly organized nationwide protests and, through his foundation, uncovered cases of corruption. He is currently touring Russia to prevent Vladimir Putin's supporters from being elected in regional elections in September.

Icon: The mirror

asc / dpa

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