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Navalny case: did the Merkel government use special tactics to bring the Kremlin critic to Germany?


The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was allegedly poisoned, according to his spokeswoman. Navalny is now being treated at the Berlin Charité.

The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was allegedly poisoned, according to his spokeswoman. Navalny is now being treated at the Berlin Charité.

  • Well-known Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was hospitalized after losing consciousness on a flight.
  • According to his spokeswoman, he is probably suffering from poisoning - there have been several attacks on him.
  • After negotiations, Navalny was flown out on a special flight on Saturday - he is now being treated at the Berlin Charité (update from August 22, 3:49 p.m.).

Update from August 22nd, 10:19 p.m .: It is possible that a tactical maneuver by the German government around Angela Merkel was the reason that the Kremlin critic Navalny was ultimately flown to Germany. Because according to information from the Finnish radio station Yle, Angela Merkel had phoned Finland's President Sauli Niinistö . He then called Putin to ask whether Navalny could be brought to Germany for treatment. Putin replied that there were no political obstacles.

Update from August 22, 3:49 p.m .: According to the attending physicians, it is not to be expected that research results on the condition of the Kremlin critic Navalny will be announced before Monday . Navalny was brought to Berlin in a special plane on Saturday morning and then taken to the Berlin Charité in a well-secured intensive care transport. He is currently being investigated.

The fact that Navalny was ultimately flown out is
thanks in particular to his wife Julia Navalnaya from his team - according to a spokeswoman for Navalny's Foundation , she personally asked President Putin to allow him to leave the country. Meanwhile, Nawalny's colleagues want to continue their work and hope that their most prominent face will soon be at their side again. The German government is also counting on a recovery: "The federal government hopes that the treatment in the Charité will lead to an improvement in his condition and enable a full recovery," said a government spokesman. The flight was organized by the Berlin organization “Cinema for Peace” and was financed from donations.

Navalny arrived in Berlin after possible poisoning

Update from August 22nd, 8.55 a.m .: According to information from AFP , the plane with Kremlin critic  Alexej Navalny  on board has now landed in Berlin.

Röttgen: “Strong suspicion” of attack against Navalny

Update from August 22nd, 8.27 a.m.: Navalny case: The CDU foreign politician Norbert Röttgen believes a poison attack on the seriously ill Russian opposition politician Alexej Navalny is likely. In the past there have been "a whole series of murders, attempted murder and also fatal poisonings that were the responsibility of the Russian state," said Röttgen of the Passauer Neue Presse . "There is a strong suspicion that this is another attack on a Russian opposition member." The German offer to help medically and to bring Navalny to Germany was "important and correct," said Röttgen. "I hope that succeeds and that his life can be saved."


CDU politician Norbert Röttgen believes in the Navalny case in a poison attack.

© Michael Kappeler / dpa

Kremlin critic Navalny in a coma on his way to Germany

Update from August 22, 6:04 a.m.: The prominent Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny is on his way to Germany for treatment with a special aircraft after a possible poisoning . This was announced by his spokeswoman Kira Jarmysch on the Saturday night after departure in the Siberian city of Omsk in the short message service Twitter.

Navalny case: Kremlin critic is allowed to go to Germany - but the departure is delayed

Update from August 21, 10.55 p.m.: The departure of the prominent Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny for Germany will be delayed by a few hours, according to the authorities in the Siberian Omsk. The special aircraft chartered in Berlin will not take off until Saturday morning, local time, said the region's Ministry of Health, as reported by the Russian news agency Tass. The reason given was that the pilots had to comply with statutory rest periods.

Nawalny's spokeswoman Kira Jarmysch also wrote on Twitter that it could take several hours before departure . She didn't give any details. Omsk is four hours ahead of Central European Summer Time (CEST). However, the plane is expected in Berlin this Saturday, where Navalny is to be treated in the Charité after his possible poisoning . The flight time for the approximately 4000 kilometers is several hours.


Putin critic Alexei Navalny (archive picture) is in the hospital.

© Pavel Golovkin / AP / dpa

The Foreign Office in Berlin initially did not want to comment on the further procedure. A spokesman pointed out that the flight was a private operation of the Cinema for Peace initiative .

Turnaround in the Navalny case: After Merkel's offer, Kremlin critics may still go to Germany for treatment

Update from August 21, 6:10 p.m.: After a possible poisoning, the Russian opposition member Alexej Navalny can now be flown abroad for treatment. This was announced by the treating doctors in the Siberian Omsk on Friday, according to the Interfax agency. Nawalny's spokeswoman Kira Jarmysch also confirmed this. The target should be Germany.

It had previously been announced that German doctors saw no concerns about transporting the Russian government critic from Siberia to Berlin. At least that's what Nawalny's spokeswoman Kira Jarmysch and film producer Jaka Bizilj announced. Chancellor Angela Merkel had offered treatment in Germany at a press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The Russian doctors initially considered the 44-year-old unfit for transport. She also claimed that the German experts had agreed to this. In the evening they also agreed to the transfer. His team no longer refuses "a transport to another hospital that the relatives call us", said the deputy chief physician of the treating hospital in Omsk, Russia, Anatoly Kalinichenko.

According to Bizilj, the ambulance pilot will stay in Omsk for the time being - how long was unclear on Friday. Jarmysch wrote on Twitter that, according to the German doctors, thanks to the equipment on their aircraft, it was possible to bring Navalny "immediately and safely to Berlin to the Charité University Hospital". In the morning, a plane from the Berlin initiative Cinema for Peace landed at Omsk airport to bring Navalny to Berlin .

Update from August 21, 4:18 p.m.: In the fight for treatment of the Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny, who is in mortal danger in Germany, his confidants have turned on the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) . According to the will of the applicants, the court should ask the Russian government to allow the activist to be transported to Germany, court circles in Strasbourg said on Friday. The application should be examined "within the next few days".

Navalny: Woman asks Putin in open biref for treatment in German hospital

Update from August 21, 2:56 p.m .: Alexej Navalny's wife has asked Vladimir Putin in an open letter to allow her husband to be transported for treatment in a hospital in Germany . "I am officially requesting permission to bring Alexej Navalny to Germany," wrote Julia Navalnaja in the letter published on Twitter.

She further wrote: "I am of the opinion that Alexej Navalny needs qualified medical help in Germany". For this purpose, the existing “possibilities for the immediate transport of Alexei under the supervision of highly qualified doctors” to Germany should be used.

Update from August 21, 2:16 p.m .: The doctors treating the Russian opposition politician Alexej Navalny in the Siberian city of Omsk have diagnosed him with a metabolic disorder. The chief doctor Alexander Murachowski said on Friday in an Omsk hospital of the Interfax agency .


Chief physician Alexander Murachowski attests that Putin critic Alexej Navalny, who is suspected of being poisoned in his intensive care unit in Omsk, has a metabolic disorder.

© Evgeniy Sofiychuk / AP / dpa

Navalny's doctor, Anastassija Wassiljewa , tweeted that low blood sugar and a metabolic disorder were not a diagnosis , but merely a description of the condition . Navalny's blood sugar was in the normal range.

"Once again they are selling us for idiots: say wise general words, but cannot establish the reason for the coma and a diagnosis," wrote Vasilyeva. The doctors had previously announced that they had not discovered any traces of poison in the 44-year-old's body.

Kremlin critic Navalny in Siberian clinic: His wife is writing a letter to Putin

The chief doctor said the doctors found a chemical on Navalny's clothes and skin . But this is a common chemical that is also used in the production of plastic cups. “It wasn't found in the blood, but on Navalny's skin and clothing,” he said.

Navalny has been in a hospital in Omsk since Thursday - around 4,000 kilometers from Berlin . He is in a coma and is artificially civil servated. His team suspects that he was poisoned. Nawalny's team demands a quick transport to Germany . His wife Julia also wrote a letter to Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin . A special machine from Germany with doctors and equipment on board had landed in Omsk. The doctors arrived at the clinic, according to Russian media.


German doctors arrive at the Omsk ambulance hospital.

© Evgeniy Sofiychuk / AP / dpa

However, the Russian doctors refused the transport because Navalny's condition was unstable. The Russian doctor Alexej Ehrlich wrote in a blog on the radio station Echo Moskwy that in the modern world basically every patient can be transported with the appropriate equipment .

Putin critic Navalny poisoned? Doctors should now have a diagnosis

Update from August 21, 1:12 p.m .: The federal government continues to advocate the best possible medical care for the possibly poisoned Russian regime critic Alexej Navalny . "The most important priority is of course that the life of Mr. Nawalny can be saved and that he can recover," said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Friday in Berlin. "We wish that all medical help that can hopefully save him will be given to him."

Update of August 21, 10:25 : The doctors of the opposition politician Alexei Navalny have been no traces of possible claims to poisoning found (see Update of 21 August, 8:33) . In  blood and  urine neither poison traces were detected of which, who said Deputy Chief Physician Anatoly Kalinichenko in the Siberian city on Friday Omsk agency Interfax , according to. "We do not assume that the patient suffered poisoning." They had already found a diagnosis , Nawalny's wife and brother had been informed.

Putin critic Navalny in clinic - spokeswoman throws Merkel proposal off: "Threat to his life"

Update from August 21, 8:33 a.m.: According to his team, a presumably “deadly agent” has been found in the organism of the opposition politician Alexej Navalny . The police told the doctors that they had found this dangerous substance, said the head of Navalny's anti-corruption fund , Ivan Zhdanov, in Omsk on Friday . The poison is therefore not only dangerous for Navalny, but also for the environment , which is why the wearing of protective suits was instructed, he said. Navalny's team published the appearance of Zhdanov and the politician's wife on video. Doctors at the clinic announced on Friday morning that Navalny's condition had improved .

Because of the ongoing investigations, it was not disclosed what substance it was, said Zhdanov. It was unclear where the police found the drug. But a police officer showed it to the chief doctor on his mobile phone.

Update of 21 August, 7:33 : The health status of the critically ill Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny is according to his Russian doctors to "unstable" to be brought to Germany. According to Nawalny's spokeswoman for the AFP , this tweeted on Friday and criticized the doctors' decision as "a threat to his life" .

Update from August 21, 6:19 a.m .: The well-known Russian government critic Alexej Navalny is to be treated in Germany for possible poisoning (see original report) . A special aircraft that is supposed to bring the 44-year-old from Omsk, Russia to Berlin , took off from Germany early on Friday morning , as the film producer Jaka Bizilj told the dpa . Accordingly, there was also a team of doctors on board the machine. All the necessary permits for relocation from Russia had previously been issued.


Putin critic Alexei Navalny (archive picture) is in the hospital.

© Pavel Golovkin / AP / dpa

"Poisoned Tea"? Putin critic Navalny is in a coma - Merkel's proposal will probably become a reality

Update from August 20, 9:05 p.m.: Shortly after Merkel and Macron Navalny offered their support, it is already certain: The Russian government critic Alexej Navalny should be flown to Berlin for treatment this Friday after his possible poisoning . "The plane leaves Germany at midnight," said film producer Jaka Bizilj on Thursday evening for dpa in Berlin.

The prerequisite for the transport on Friday is that Navalny is already transportable. If this is the case, the Putin critic will be dealt with at the Charité in Berlin from Friday. There has already been a confirmation from the clinic . The cost of the flight and treatment would be paid for by private individuals. Navalny should be brought with a special machine from Omsk , where he is currently in the hospital, according to the dpa.

Putin critic Navalny is in a coma - Merkel and Macron make an offer

Update from August 20, 7:18 p.m.: After the Putin critic Navalny may have been poisoned and is in intensive care, Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron also commented on the incidents at their joint press conference in southern France .

"We are very upset about the news," said Angela Merkel. "And what is now very, very important is that it is now urgently clarified how this incident came about," the Chancellor appeals. There must be a high level of transparency. Both heads of state also assured the critic of their support should medical treatment abroad or asylum be necessary.


Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel made an offer to Putin critic Navalny

© Michael Kappeler / dpa

Putin critic Navalny in an artificial coma - his condition is stable

Update from August 20, 4:15 p.m.: The well-known Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny is in intensive care after an incident on a flight to Moscow. According to his spokeswoman, the 44-year-old was poisoned . The treating doctors did not initially confirm this. There is still no diagnosis, said the clinic's vice director Anatoly Kalinichenko.

Doctors are currently fighting for the life of the critic. The dpa quotes his spokeswoman as having been placed in an artificial coma and being ventilated. The attending physicians in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Omsk, Siberia, were doing everything "to save his life," said Kalinichenko. Navalny's condition is "stable".

Putin critic Navalny unconscious in intensive care unit - "poisoned tea"

First report - August 20, 10:27 a.m.: Omsk - The well-known Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has been admitted to hospital because of alleged poisoning , according to information from his environment . This was announced by his spokeswoman Kira Jarmysch of the dpa on Thursday morning via the Messenger Telegram . There was initially no official confirmation from the authorities.

Putin critic in intensive care: There have already been attacks on the anti-corruption fighter

An airplane with the 44-year-old on board landed in the Siberian city of Omsk because of the emergency , then Navalny was taken to hospital. On the prominent anti-Korrutions fighters had repeatedly in the past attacks given.

Kremlin critic Navalny in hospital: did he drink poisoned tea?

According to his spokeswoman, he may have drunk a poisoned tea . According to Jarmysch, he felt bad on the way. Tea was the only thing he consumed.

Navalny is the leading head of the liberal opposition in Russia. He was allegedly treated for allergy shock while in prison a year ago in a hospital . Navalny emphasized at the time that he could have been poisoned. In Russia, suspected poisoning has been an issue in the political environment in the past, especially in airplanes . (dpa / AFP / frs) * is part of the Ippen-Digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Kay Nietfeld

Source: merkur

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