The Limited Times

Republican Congress opened - Trump becomes a candidate

8/24/2020, 2:19:28 PM

Last week the Democrats voted Joe Biden as their candidate for the November 3rd election. Now it's the Republicans' turn. Donald Trump is to be officially nominated as a candidate at the party conference in Charlotte.

Last week the Democrats voted Joe Biden as their candidate for the November 3rd election. Now it's the Republicans' turn. Donald Trump is to be officially nominated as a candidate at the party conference in Charlotte.

Washington (AP) - Two and a half months before the election in the US, the Republicans have opened their nomination party conference. Republican Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel formally convened the Charlotte, North Carolina meeting.

To begin with, the delegates wanted to officially nominate Trump as a candidate. At the end of the largely virtual event, the 74-year-old wants to give his speech this Thursday on the south lawn of the White House, with which he accepts the nomination. Last week the Democrats selected ex-Vice President Joe Biden (77) as their candidate for the November 3rd election.

Trump also hopes the party congress will give him a new tailwind for his election campaign. It is currently behind in national polls. The website FiveThirtyEight, which evaluates and weights numerous surveys, sees Biden with 51 percent of the vote, Trump with 42 percent. Nationwide surveys are of limited informative value because of the US electoral system. A majority of 270 voters from the states is decisive for a victory. Trump succeeded in gaining a majority of the electorate in 2016, although he could not win a majority of the votes.

The Republicans' party congress - like that of the Democrats - is being turned on its head by the corona pandemic and is taking place in a significantly slimmed-down form. Originally, the Republicans wanted to hold a four-day mega-event in Charlotte with thousands of guests. Because of the Corona regulations in North Carolina, Trump then had the main part of the party congress moved to Jacksonville (Florida). After Florida became a hotspot in the pandemic, this part of the meeting was canceled again.

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