The Limited Times

South African lion breeder killed by feline

8/27/2020, 7:34:24 PM

Nicknamed "Uncle West", the victim had been raising felines from a young age and had a habit of communicating with them.

A South African lion breeder was killed by one of the lionesses he was caring for, his family announced Thursday (August 27th). West Mathewson, 69, was walking two white lionesses on Wednesday when one of them suddenly attacked and killed him, on the grounds of the Lion Tree Top Lodge, a family property, in the province of Limpopo (northeast ).

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Nicknamed " Uncle West ", he bred felines from a young age and used to communicate with them. His wife Gill, 65, was in the car behind him during the attack but was unable to intervene, according to a statement from family lawyer Marina Botha.

The lions were temporarily transferred to another facility pending a decision on their fate, but the family assured that they would be " released in the best environment available to accommodate them ."

South Africa has some 8,000 lions kept in enclosures for hunting, bone trading, tourism and academic research, according to estimates from wildlife advocacy groups. However, the country only has 3000 animals in the wild, living in national parks where hunting is prohibited.

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