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The agreement to be signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates will be defined as a "peace treaty" and will be approved by the Knesset - Walla! news

9/5/2020, 4:24:24 PM

In about a week, the agreement is expected to be signed in Washington, which will have the same status as agreements with Egypt and Jordan. Abu Dhabi accepted Israel's request to sign a contract that would give greater commitment on the part of the parties to the move. At the same time, contacts with Bahrain and Sudan continue in an attempt to bring about a breakthrough before the ceremony

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Historical agreement with the United Arab Emirates

The agreement to be signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates will be defined as a "peace treaty" and will be approved by the Knesset

In about a week, the agreement is expected to be signed in Washington, which will have the same status as agreements with Egypt and Jordan.

Abu Dhabi accepted Israel's request to sign a contract that would give greater commitment on the part of the parties to the move.

At the same time, contacts with Bahrain and Sudan continue in an attempt to bring about a breakthrough before the ceremony


  • United Arab Emirates

  • United States

Lightning Ravid

Saturday, 05 September 2020, 19:12

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In the video: Walla!

NEWS Before departure from Abu Dhabi (Photo: Barak Ravid and Reuters, Edited by Nir Chen)

The agreement that will be signed in about a week in Washington between Israel and the United Arab Emirates will be a "peace treaty" with the same legal and political status as the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan - Walla was told!

NEWS Senior Israeli and American officials.

During talks between the Israeli and American delegations in Abu Dhabi on Monday, Israel requested that the document to be signed between the two countries be a "peace treaty."

The United Arab Emirates accepted the Israeli request.

Senior officials noted that Israel wants to sign a "peace treaty" so that it has a stable and serious status that will also have a greater commitment on both sides.

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The Israeli delegation visits Abu Dhabi this week (Photo: Amos Ben Gershon / GPO)

Senior Israeli and American officials have indicated that the "peace treaty" with the UAE will need to be ratified by a vote in the Knesset and the UAE's Federal Federal Council.

The peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan should also have been accepted by a vote in the Knesset.

Evidence of agreement between the parties is reflected in the economic protocol signed by Deputy Prime Minister Ronen Peretz with the Governor of the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates during the talks in Abu Dhabi, which states that his signature is "Introduction to Washington signing a peace treaty, diplomatic relations and full normalization. "

senior Israeli officials said that has not yet set a deadline for the signing ceremony in Washington, but is expected to occur in the week starting September 14. PMO has been requested from aL to a passenger aircraft on alert for the possibility of showing Washington next Saturday night or the day after Then.

"Introduction to Washington's signing of a peace treaty."

The economic protocol signed between Israel and the Emirates

At the same time, the United States and Israel are continuing talks with other Arab countries, especially Bahrain and Sudan, in an attempt to bring about a breakthrough with them towards normalization agreements even before the signing ceremony in Washington.

It is still unclear if this will be possible.

If no further agreements are reached by then, the White House is expected to invite ambassadors from many Arab countries - including those that do not have diplomatic relations with Israel - to the signing ceremony of the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates - in order to show that the agreement enjoys broad Arab support.

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