The Limited Times

New Continent: Behind the Upgrade of Israel - Balkan Relations Israel today

9/6/2020, 9:54:18 AM

| Political-politicalSerbia today is looking for a family and Kosovo recognition - and strong Israel is right at the crossroads of the two • On days like this, when many things change, we can only wait for the next surprise • It's not a matter of if but when • Interpretation Status of signing the agreement Photo:  IPI. Less than a month since we were informed of the Abrahamic Agreement (August 13) - the normaliza

Serbia today is looking for a family and Kosovo recognition - and strong Israel is right at the crossroads of the two • On days like this, when many things change, we can only wait for the next surprise • It's not a matter of if but when • Interpretation

  • Status of signing the agreement



Less than a month since we were informed of the Abrahamic Agreement (August 13) - the normalization of relations between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel - we have already had an important and solemn political message: the embassies of Serbia and Kosovo are expected to open soon in Jerusalem.

This is history: Serbia is expected to be the first European country to do so and Kosovo the first country with a Muslim majority.

And as with the Emirates - Donald Trump, the President of the United States, is the best man. Remember the political tsunami we were promised in 2011? Could it be that Ehud Barak even meant waves of love?

Trump's tweet yesterday was optimistic and encouraging: "Another big day for peace with the Middle East - Kosovo, which has a Muslim majority, and Israel have agreed to normalize relations and establish diplomatic relations.

Well done!

More Muslim and Arab countries will come soon. "Something good is happening in the Middle East under the auspices of Trump and in the Netanyahu era.

But let's not forget that there are US elections in early November. Trump's election victory is becoming very significant. The Trump-Netanyahu duo has already realized much of the potential, but he still has many achievements to realize. The speech against Netanyahu's nuclear deal in Congress and Trump's exit from the same agreement Increased the maneuverability of the two allies in the Middle East.

The opposite of what Obama and his band of experts / commentators thought.

Trump: "Kosovo will normalize relations with Israel" // Photo: Reuters

Although there is a closeness between the announcement of the peace agreement between Israel and the Emirates and the news of the opening of a Serbian embassy in Jerusalem and Israeli recognition of Kosovo's independence, which promises to open a Kosovo embassy in our capital - but these are two very different stories.

The new friendship and the spotlight with the UAE point to a new Middle Eastern reality that countries like Bahrain, Oman, Sudan are likely to join soon - while Saudi Arabia is still lingering with the green light it is expected to give first and then - inshallah - to itself. 

The story of Serbia and Kosovo is much more complex, with far-reaching international implications. Even if Kosovo is a new country (declared independence in 2008), not a UN member following a Russian veto, it is recognized only by about 100 countries. "Only 23 countries in the EU recognize it. Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia refuse to do so for fear of separatists in their territory. This was also the argument of Israel that it did not recognize Kosovo in 2008. Israeli policy was to dissolve. They do not say 'no' but Israel is also considering the consequences of a unilateral declaration by Kosovo that could give ideas to Palestinian Authority leaders, meanwhile perhaps the conduct of PA leaders has become predictable and Israel is willing to gamble, or the rift between Gaza and the PA does not allow Palestinians to make the declaration at all.  

Back to the Balkans.

Something is happening in our changing world.

If Serbia and Kosovo can sign an economic agreement after two days of discussions in Washington, then things are really moving in the world, and in the positive direction.

Reminder: 1998-1999, Kosovo with the Albanian-Muslim majority on fire.

The whole world feared an invasion by the Serbian army into the southern part of the country.

Serbian President Milosevic intended to fight the Albanian underground.

NATO and the United States feared massacres and killings, and the US-led NATO entered a 78-day campaign when Belgrade was bombed.

I remember the same war I covered when I skipped between the various countries involved.

The hatred and disgust between Serbs and Kosovars was deep.

The idea of ​​an independent Kosovo was simply illogical, since the Serbs see Kosovo as the cradle of Serbian nationalism due to its history.

In this context, special mention is made of the event known as the "Battle of Kosovo" on June 15, 1389 between the Serbian king Lazar and the armies of the Ottoman Empire.

Although the Serbs were defeated in battle but the Serbian identity was born then, in Kosovo.

I personally had a problem.

Both Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo aided the Jews in that terrible war with the Nazis. 

And so my great enthusiasm when I saw from Washington the President of Serbia Alexander Vučić and Rabbi Kosovo Abdullah Hoti sign an economic agreement. Although there is still no recognition but it is likely that this is the direction. There are those who wonder: Do they attribute this to Israel's non-recognition of Kosovo's independence? Is this a kind of tangle? It is hard to believe that the parties sat in the White House and did not understand the implications of the signing.

Serbia is an important country, which has been seeking its place in the international arena since the war. Unlike Croatia and Slovenia, it has failed to join the European Union. Even in the past, in the Tito era, it belonged to non-allies and not the Warsaw Pact. Is right at the crossroads of the two.

In January 2017, I was invited to Washington for the entire series of events of the inauguration of President Trump, which lasted a week.

Was exciting.

The first event I came to was the president-elect meeting with the diplomatic staff in Washington.

I waited patiently for my turn.

Before a long line.

A very elegant ambassador was before me.

She turned to the president and told him that she very much hoped he would come to visit the country.

It was the ambassador from Kosovo, and Laura Chitaku, who was in Pristina during the war.

I introduced myself to her and she told me then that we must be friends.

I did not imagine that before the end of Trump's first term she would be a central ambassador and we would be involved too.

On days like these, when a lot of things change, we can only wait for the next surprise.

It is not a matter of if but when.

Waves of love.     

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