The Limited Times

Deri v. Lieberman: "Mandates are not everything" Israel today

9/7/2020, 3:39:25 PM

| politicalThe chairman of Shas attacked the chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, who called for "not to follow the instructions," and published a post in Russian in which he wrote to his electorate: "Addressing you from the heart, do not listen to Lieberman." Interior Minister Aryeh Deri this evening (Monday) sharply attacked the words of MK Avigdor Lieberman, chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, who called on the publi

The chairman of Shas attacked the chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, who called for "not to follow the instructions," and published a post in Russian in which he wrote to his electorate: "Addressing you from the heart, do not listen to Lieberman."

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri this evening (Monday) sharply attacked the words of MK Avigdor Lieberman, chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, who called on the public "not to act in accordance with government directives."

Minister Deri published posts on social media, including in Russian, to address Lieberman's electorate directly and called on them not to "listen to Lieberman." 

The traffic light plan - this is how it works

The Minister of the Interior and Chairman of Shas posted a tweet on Twitter in which he wrote: "I address you from the bottom of my heart, do not listen to Lieberman and do not endanger your lives and those of your loved ones, the Corona does not distinguish between secular and religious and ultra-Orthodox, and we must all obey instructions."

Continuing his remarks, Deri attacked the chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu and said: "Lieberman, seats are not everything in life, human life is above politics - come back to you!".

And here is the Hebrew translation before me in Russian for immigrants from the Commonwealth of Nations:

I address you from the bottom of my heart: Do not listen to Lieberman and do not endanger your life and that of your loved ones.

The Corona does not distinguish between secular, religious and ultra-Orthodox.

We must all obey instructions.

Lieberman, seats are not everything in life, human life is above politics.

Come back!

- Arie Makhlouf Deri (@ariyederi) September 7, 2020

President Reuven (Ruby) Rivlin also did not remain indifferent to MK Lieberman's remarks, stressing that "dealing with the corona plague is a struggle of all of us, together. Calls for civil disobedience violate principles that ensure our safety and the peace of the entire public, especially in times of crisis." "Leaders - opposition as a coalition, please be careful what you say."

Dealing with the corona plague is a struggle of us all, together.

Calls for civil disobedience violate the principles that ensure our well-being, and the peace of the entire public, especially in times of crisis.

Leaders - opposition as a coalition, please, be careful what you say.

- Reuven (Ruby) Rivlin (@ruvirivlin) September 7, 2020

Earlier today, the chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, MK Avigdor Lieberman, attacked the Israeli government, which yesterday approved a nocturnal closure of 40 "red" cities across the country: "I suggest the public act in accordance with common sense and not in accordance with government guidelines."

According to Lieberman, who said at a party meeting of his party, the State of Israel "is in a state of chaos" and that there is "countless talk of closure, but what is needed is order! "Accepted at the last minute."

We're all hostages ... have

you made plans for the holidays?

It is a pity that you did not coordinate with Deri and Litzman first.

Due to the anger of the ultra-Orthodox parties, Netanyahu's alternative will still be a general closure from Rosh Hashanah until after Sukkot.

Netanyahu is not afraid of God but of his representatives in the Knesset.

- Avigdor Lieberman (@AvigdorLiberman) September 6, 2020

Lieberman attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's surrender to the pressure of the ultra-Orthodox, saying that "nothing is accepted in an orderly manner, all in pulls and as a result of pressure and combos. Are obtained on the basis of scientific data, neither transparently nor logically. "

He added that public health had been sacrificed to maintain the current coalition: "All decisions made are blatantly illegal. I suggest the public act in accordance with common sense and not in accordance with government directives."

The Knesset Speaker, MK Yariv Levin, responded to the words of the Speaker of Yisrael Beiteinu, saying that he was sorry to hear about it: "As public leaders, we have a duty to conduct the democratic debate between us properly using all parliamentary tools, but a call for citizens to do so. A man who is honest in his eyes, in a way that will create anarchy and endanger the health of all the citizens of the country, is irresponsible.

This is the opposite of the personal example and leadership required of all of us to overcome the crisis together. "

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