The Limited Times

Al-Qi'an Family: "Al-Shikh and Arden Must Stand Trial" | Israel today

9/9/2020, 3:45:55 PM

Yaakov's brother, who was shot after being suspected of being a terrorist, said that the commissioner and the former Minister of Internal Security must stand trial | in Israel

Ya'akov's brother, who was killed in the evacuation of Umm al-Hiran and defined as a terrorist, said that the commissioner and the former Minister of Internal Security must stand trial • "A commission of inquiry must be set up"

  • The al-Qiaan family, today


    Dudu Greenspan

The family of Yaakov al-Qiaan, a resident of the unrecognized Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran who was killed in 2017 by police during the evacuation of illegal homes, said today (Wednesday) that they expect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to come to their home to apologize for his death - and apologize .

From Benjamin Netanyahu's Facebook page

Ahmad, Yaakov's brother, said he and his family were not content with Netanyahu's public apology and for being portrayed as a terrorist: "He was shot in cold blood."

He attacked the conduct of then-Commissioner Roni Alshikh and former Homeland Security Minister Gilad Ardan, saying that they had been very aggressive and reckless. "Now, with the discovery of the truth, they should apologize and pay for the mistakes they made and even prosecute," he said. During a press conference held by the family.

Husam, Yaakov's son, also attacked the conduct of the police during the evacuation of the houses, saying that his father "was killed by police for no wrong in his palm. He was an educator who educated generations. We welcome Netanyahu's apology, but it was too late. We invite Let him come and see how we live. "

Rabia, Yaakov's widow, wondered why it took Netanyahu four years to express his apology: "Look how we live. We have no house, we have no water and no electricity. The prime minister should come here to apologize."

She added that Yaakov "was murdered several times and his name was slandered. We call on the family of the policeman (Erez Levy, who was killed in the evacuation from a car driven by al-Qian, GG) who was also killed in the same incident, to stand up and demand from the state to find out what happened."

Jabbar, Yaakov's brother, demanded the establishment of a commission of inquiry headed by a retired judge to investigate the case.

"Arden called my brother a terrorist just because he was an Arab. The prime minister's remarks are positive. This is an important step, but I urge him to come here and see a willingness to rehabilitate the family."

In January 2017, Yaakov Abu al-Qiaan was killed during the evacuation of illegal homes in the village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev.

Policeman Erez Levy was killed in the incident as a result of a vehicle driven by al-Qi'an, who was shot dead by police on the spot.

Another police officer was injured in the incident.

Since the incident, then-Commissioner Roni Alshikh claimed that al-Qiaan was a terrorist who killed Levy in the attack, even though senior GSS officials who rushed to the scene and questioned the police, family members and other elements in the arena, unequivocally stated that there was no indication. That it was a terrorist attack, but an accident.

Alshikh remained calm, rejecting the GSS position presented to him and stating that this was indeed an attack.

This week it was revealed in News 12 that internal correspondence of former State Attorney Shai Nitzan, in which it was allegedly stated that they prevent the interrogation of Alshikh, who determined that al-Qa'an is a terrorist.

The reason for the alleged disappearance of the investigation is the possibility that the decision will assist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the investigations that were conducted against him at the time.

Netanyahu himself apologized to the al-Qayan family today, claiming that senior prosecutors insisted on defining him as a terrorist: "They said he was a terrorist, but he is not a terrorist. They did it to protect themselves. I said at the time that there were very serious failures in police work, and they They said, God forbid, that the media would expose these failures, because then Netanyahu's claims would be backed up. "

The prime minister added that Nitzan had buried the investigation: "They are burying investigations, distorting justice and the truth for political reasons according to what is convenient for them."

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