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Can Netanyahu be elected president? | Israel today

9/9/2020, 12:25:01 PM

| politicalThe plenum rejected the bills that were intended to ban anyone who opposes him from serving in office • Coalition factions opposed • "Obligation to legislate the obvious" Netanyahu on his way to the president's house? Photo:  Yehuda Peretz - Archive The Knesset plenum today (Wednesday) removed three bills from opposition factions that are intended to ban anyone who is pending a criminal indic

The plenum rejected the bills that were intended to ban anyone who opposes him from serving in office • Coalition factions opposed • "Obligation to legislate the obvious"

  • Netanyahu on his way to the president's house?


    Yehuda Peretz - Archive

The Knesset plenum today (Wednesday) removed three bills from opposition factions that are intended to ban anyone who is pending a criminal indictment for a misdemeanor or crime or who has been convicted of an offense punishable by three months' imprisonment or more and whose statute of limitations has not expired.

Opposition factions initiated the bills amid rumors that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may run for president after the resignation in June 2021 of incumbent President Reuven Rivlin.

All coalition factions opposed the bill.

The prime minister did not attend the vote. 

MK Yoav Sagalovich's first bill (Yesh Atid) was passed by a majority of 37 coalition representatives against 30 opposition representatives. MK Yulia Maltzinowski's second bill (Yisrael Beiteinu) was passed by a majority of 34 against 26 MKs, while the bill MK Merav Michaeli's third (Labor) was removed by a majority of 35 to 27 MKs.

MK Sagalowitz, who justified his bill, said that "where the values ​​are a recommendation but not the pillar of fire before the camp, where the lie is true, where only what is forbidden and allowed and is allowed in value, and also illegal and sometimes only a recommendation, such a place should be enacted Legislate the obvious.

It goes without saying that a candidate for the emblem of the state cannot be charged with a criminal offense.

I call on my friends to vote for the obvious and to be partners in the clear statement of what the obvious is. "

MK Malinowski said that “Israel was before Bibi and will be after Bibi, we need to preserve our country.

Even the strongest human being once he has this burden on his shoulders it affects the way he makes decisions, it is human nature.

So what do you want us to have a president with an indictment for?

We need to think about what our children will learn in citizenship classes, what the world will say about us, how we will feel as citizens. "

MK Michaeli said that “how can there be a president with an indictment?

Can be women indictment I did not understand cheerful can be women indictment even a prime minister with an indictment is a disaster.

After all, from the moment I have Netanyahu indictments, he only deals with it, he does nothing.

"Since he has become unworthy, unreasonable, dishonest, even inefficient, unacceptable, he cannot be prime minister and he certainly cannot be president."

In the past year, various reports have been published in the media that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may try and be elected president.

If and when the move - which was never made in an official framework - is approved, the criminal proceedings in Netanyahu's case will be stopped.

By law, the president can be interrogated while in office but should not be prosecuted as long as he is in office.

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