The Limited Times

Netanyahu's Forced Expenditure on Imprisonment - Government Revolution Israel today

9/9/2020, 8:39:15 PM

| politicalAttorney General Mandelblit's position regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu's entrenchment is not relevant at all • He himself has said in the past that the Attorney General should not rule on the issue • Opinion The discussion on the question of the prime minister's fortification should begin with a really simple one: Mandelblit's position on the fortification is simply irrelevant. A decision on t

Attorney General Mandelblit's position regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu's entrenchment is not relevant at all • He himself has said in the past that the Attorney General should not rule on the issue • Opinion

The discussion on the question of the prime minister's fortification should begin with a really simple one: Mandelblit's position on the fortification is simply irrelevant.

A decision on the absence of a prime minister can only be made by the government, and there is no law or ruling that even hints that the ombudsman may decide that the prime minister is indemnified. If the ombudsman gives any government official an order to act as if the prime minister is indicted And interest.

And for such a thing there is no tolerance and no patience.

Having said that, let's hear what a senior legal figure has said on the issue.

"The issue of temporary incarceration must be left at the public-political level, and there is no room at this time for the Attorney General to determine that the Prime Minister is incapable of fulfilling his role."

This quote came from Avichai Mandelblit in November 2019. He repeated this statement in his position submitted to the High Court, in petitions against the tenure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The petitions, it will be recalled, were unanimously rejected by 11 judges.

Less than a week has passed since Mandelblit reiterated his position in a letter to the Movement for Quality of Government.

What has happened in the meantime?

Why is this night different from all the other nights?

The only thing that has changed is that Amit Segal's interrogation revealed in the news 12 shocking events that took place during Mandelblit's shift at the State Attorney's Office.

A petition alleging that Mandelblit seared the Department of Police Investigations was filed in court.

In addition, Adv. Kinneret filed a petition at the beginning of the petition, which includes parts of the transcripts of Mandelblit - Ashkenazi conversations, from which a very difficult and unpleasant picture emerges about Mandelblit himself and his conduct.

There is no impairment of the Prime Minister's ability to function or his use of his office against the law enforcement system.

There is an enforcement and prosecution system here whose corruption is exposed to the public, and whose long-standing concealment efforts are shattered into the wall of reality.

There is a man here who invented "legal impediment" out of nothing, when he wanted to appoint his associate to the position of state attorney.

There is a person here who invented "legal impediment" out of nowhere to establish a commission of inquiry into the Department of Police Investigations, again - for personal reasons and interests.

Mandelblit even appointed himself, in violation of the law, also the State Attorney.

He uses the dual position to prevent any investigation or examination of the corruption in the system under his responsibility.

The only prime minister to go to the fortified involuntarily was Ariel Sharon, after a stroke, when it was clear to any sane person that he could not fulfill his role.

Nothing could explain the distortion of thought, according to which a legal adviser could dismiss a prime minister, other than a real eclipse.

According to the publication, Mandelblit now believes, or at least discusses the possibility, that using the position for the benefit of self-interest could establish a ground for imprisonment.

If this is the test, someone in your immediate environment should explain to him that in the face of stress at work, he should consider fortification, or at least a vacation.

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