The Limited Times

At the top of the table: Meir Adoni's holiday meal Israel today

9/10/2020, 4:08:32 PM

Rosh Hashanah takes me to stews and blessings from my grandparents' house • In the spirit and spirit of the holiday, I have prepared for you a meal steeped in flavors and memories | You sat down

Rosh Hashanah takes me to Grandpa Shalom's hymns and blessings, and to Grandma Masuda's sizzling pots • In the spirit and spirit of the holiday, I have prepared for you a holiday meal steeped in flavors and memories

  • Festive cauldron.

    Roast shepondra, mushrooms and sage, with a full rice stew and caramelized onions


    Ithiel Zion

Rosh Hashanah is always a special and different holiday.

Not only for us Jews, but for all religions - every religion on time.

For us Jews, Rosh Hashanah is a holiday full of important prayers, which those who believe know that they will determine our future, man, woman, child and child, next year for our good. 

Every year before Rosh Hashanah, the kitchens of our country are filled with scents of a variety of spices, and we all prepare for the Rosh Hashanah Seder, with its many blessings and signs.

Forever, my memories of Grandpa Shalom's and Grandma Masuda's, may their memory be blessed, will be besieged in my heart.

Grandpa, the synagogue bard, was dressed in white from head to toe.

When a huge tallit envelops him and on his head a fancy white cap, for which the youngest aunt, Yemima, the youngest daughter, would march to the Holy of Holies, we looked at him with endless pride and love. 

At the same time, Grandma and her daughters had commissions to set the holiday table, for a variety of reasons, and we grandchildren, who ran quickly before Grandpa home, were waiting to hear his heavy footsteps on the stairs.

As soon as he entered the doorway, Grandpa began chanting and praying, and in the kitchen the pots were sizzling and the table was laden with endless delicacies to happily and lovingly welcome the New Year. 

There is in the holiday some excitement in the air mixed with a desire to receive the year in a deep prayer to the Creator of the world, that will move the year over all of us and give us health, livelihood, relationships, fertility, free love and more and more.

Then, when we would sit down at the table, Grandpa would greet each and every one with effort and intention, and we would all listen and try to wait for the end, before we devoured the culinary mark - apple with honey, pomegranates, dates, sesame and sugar, which were something unique to our house, pumpkin, onion, fish head more and more.

Once we finished the order of the blessings, my grandmother, my mother and her sisters would serve to the table a whole world of flavors, aromas and colors that Grandma worked many days to prepare and create. 

This year is a slightly different year, special in its own way.

We all in Israel and around the world accept it while maintaining the rules of caution and uncertainty.

The threat of closure hovers over our heads, the important need to keep grandparents and parents questioning the extended holiday meal, the important prayers will probably be held in small quorums, and everything will feel different. 

In addition to the uncertainty, hundreds of thousands of families will come to the holiday with leaner financial capacity than previous years, so this year I chose to create a festive and dignified meal as in all years, but I made sure to use less expensive raw materials, which is certainly possible. 

The holiday meal I created for you, in which the quantities in the recipes of the dishes are suitable for six diners, also includes this time the flavors and memories that are absorbed and assimilated in me, and I believe in all of us. 

My dear sisters and brothers - may we all have a good year, a year of solid health and good news for us and all the residents of Israel, Amen.

Spinach and pea cream soup with zucchini and almond tortillas 

Ingredients for the soup: 

√ 1/2 cup finely chopped leeks

√ 3 cloves garlic finely sliced

√ 1/4 cup olive oil

√ 1 cup sunfrost peas (thaw before use)

√ 2 bunches of washed and coarsely chopped Turkish spinach leaves

√ 6 cups vegetable

stock √ 1 Teaspoon sugar

√ 2 teaspoons salt

√ a pinch of nutmeg

For the tortellini dough:

√ 2 cups flour

√ 1 cup boiling water

√ 1 teaspoon salt

√ 2 egg yolks

√ 1 tablespoon olive oil

For the filling:

√ 4 tablespoons olive oil

√ 1/2 cup finely chopped leeks

√ 2 chopped sage leaves

√ 6 coarsely grated zucchini

√ 2 teaspoons Atlantic salt 

√ 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

√ Grated 1 lemon

√ 4 tablespoons roasted almond powder

To serve:

√ Boiled and peeled American almonds

√ Olive oil 

Begin by preparing the soup: In a large, heavy saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat, add the leeks and garlic and sauté until translucent.

Add the peas and spinach and cook for about 3 minutes.

Add the vegetable stock, sugar, salt and nutmeg, bring to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes.

Remove from the heat, transfer to a blender and grind the soup to a smooth texture.

Transfer to a fine sieve and return to a clean pot.

Before serving reheat.

Now proceed to the preparation of the dough: pour the boiling water into a cup of flour and put well.

Add the extra cup of flour, salt, egg yolks and olive oil and knead well until the dough is uniform, soft, pliable and not sticky.

When finished, let the dough ball rest for at least half an hour in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.

Prepare the filling for the tortellini: Heat a pan over medium heat, add the olive oil, leeks and sage and sauté for about 5 minutes until the leeks are transparent.

Add the zucchini, sauté for another 5 minutes, season with salt, pepper and lemon zest and remove from the heat to a bowl.

Add the toasted almond powder, mix and refrigerate.

Now you can make the tortellini: Divide the dough in half, half wrap back in cling film and half roll in a pasta machine in thickness number 7/8.

If there is no pasta machine, it is also possible with a rolling pin, but this is of course a more complex task and the thinnest dough should be reached.

Slice the pasta leaf on the work surface (no flour needed, as the dough is very pliable and should not stick) and with the help of a narrow cup or cookie cutter make circles 6-7 cm in diameter. 

In the center of each circle place a small mound of filling and spread the edge with your finger Fold the dough in half with water. Fold the circle in half and with your fingers tighten the edges of the dough well, to ensure that it does not open during cooking. To tighten well, hold the dumpling at both narrow and pointed ends and press them together like the ends of a handkerchief. The

prepared tortillas are placed on a little floured baking paper and covered with a towel. Try to work as fast as possible so that the dough does not dry out and the tortillas do not crack. About 2 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon directly into the soup, sprinkle over chopped almonds, drizzle with olive oil and serve immediately.

Veal brain in a strong stew of hot peppers, 

okra, Jerusalem artichoke and lots of flavors 

The ingredients for brain cooking:

√ 3 units of veal brain

√ 5 cups water

√ 1/2 cup plain vinegar

√ 1 coarsely chopped carrot

√ 1 coarsely chopped white onion

√ 2 coarsely chopped celery stalks

√ 1

coarsely chopped


√ 4 units allspice 

√ 3 leaves Daphne 

√ 3 parsley sprigs 

For brain frying:

√ 1/2 cup flour

√ 1/2 teaspoon salt

√ 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

√ 3 tablespoons olive oil

√ 3 cloves garlic

√ 4 sage leaves

For sauce and serving:

√ 1/2 cup olive oil

√ 6 cloves chopped garlic

√ 4-5 hot peppers, red and green

√ 5-6 slices of pickled lemon 

√ 3 ripe peeled and chopped tomatoes

√ 1 tablespoon Moroccan paprika

√ 1/2 tablespoon turmeric

√ 1 Teaspoon ground black pepper

√ 1/2 tablespoon sugar

√ 1/2 tablespoon salt

√ 6 Jerusalem artichokes peeled and cut into slices

√ 1 cup clean okra

√ 2 tablespoons lemon juice

√ a handful of coriander leaves

Start preparing the sauce: Heat the olive oil in a wide, flat pot, add the garlic, pickled lemon and hot peppers and fry for 2 minutes.

Add the tomatoes and dry spices, pour 1/2 to 1 cup of water and bring to a boil.

Add the artichokes, lower the flame, cover and cook for about 30 minutes.

When finished, set aside and heat near serving.

Now go to the cooking of the brain: boil the water with the vinegar, vegetables, allspice, bay leaves and parsley sprigs, turn off the heat and set aside for 20 minutes.

Place the brains in a deep dish, pour the hot liquid over them, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for two hours.

After two hours, remove the brains, place on a tray and return to the refrigerator for another two hours.

Finally remove from the refrigerator, slice each brain into 5-6 slices and keep refrigerated until use.

Fry the brain slices and close the dish: Heat a pan over medium heat, season the brain slices with salt and black pepper, flour and shake well.

Then add the olive oil to the pan and immediately the brain slices, garlic cloves and sage leaves.

Fry for about 2 minutes, turning and frying for another minute until the brain slices are golden. 

Simultaneously heat the sauce: add the okra and lemon juice to the sauce, transfer the fried brain slices directly to the sauce pan and cook for about 5 minutes in the stew.

Finally add the coriander leaves and serve.

Locust in fish soup with chickpeas, celery, tomatoes and lots of lemon

Ingredients for the fish



√ 2 kg fish heads and mantles (locus, farida, mussar, sargus) cleaned, washed and chopped into coarse pieces

√ 1/2 cup olive oil

√ 2 thinly sliced ​​dried onions

√ 3 peeled and thinly sliced ​​carrots

√ 3 stalks Chopped celery

√ Garlic cloves from 1/2 coarsely chopped head

√ 1 finely chopped fennel head

√ 1 chopped chili pepper

√ 12 coarsely chopped red ripe tomatoes

√ 1/2 cup pastis or parano

√ 1/2 cup dry white wine

√ 6 liters of mineral water

√ a handful of parsley leaves

√ 1 tablespoon Atlantic sea salt

√ a pinch of saffron

√ 10 pcs whole black pepper

√ 4 bay leaves

√ 1 teaspoon anise seeds

√ 1 dried Sudanese pepper

To continue the dish:

√ 1/4 cup olive oil

√ 3 garlic cloves slices

√ 1 leek thinly sliced ​​into rings 

√ 4 thinly sliced ​​celery stalks

√ 6 slices of locust or parida weighing 200 grams per slice

√ 1 cup of chickpeas soaked overnight and cooked until soft

√ 3 tomatoes Peeled, clean of ovaries and finely chopped

√ A handful of finely chopped celery leaves

√ 1 tablespoon thinly sliced ​​tarragon leaves

√ Juice of 2 lemons

Start preparing the stock: In a heavy iron pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat and sauté the onions, carrots, celery, garlic, fennel and pepper until transparent.

Add the chopped tomatoes and continue to mix until a rich, deep and thick sauce is obtained.

Add the pastis and white wine, cook for about 5 minutes, add the water, fish, herbs and spices and bring to a boil.

Remove foam and cook over medium heat for about an hour.

Strain and return the liquids to the pot.

Now reduce by at least half, until a liquid with a golden and fragrant body is obtained.

Next, heat the olive oil over a medium flame in a wide pan, add the garlic, leeks and celery and sauté for about 5 minutes until transparent.

Add 3 cups of the fish stock, bring to a boil and put in the fish slices and chickpeas.

Lower to a low flame, cook for about 6 minutes and add the chopped tomatoes and chopped celery and tarragon leaves.

Drizzle over the lemon juice, cook for another 2 minutes and serve.

A festive stew of shepondra roast, mushrooms and sage,

with a full rice stew and caramelized onions


√ 2 kg beef shepondera, including bone (can be replaced with beef breast or neck)

√ 1/4 cup olive oil

√ 2 cups peeled pear onions 

√ 4 small peeled carrots

√ 6 baby beet peeled and halved

√ 8 peeled garlic cloves

√ 2 glasses of dry red wine

√ 4 sprigs of thyme

√ 1/2 tablespoon ground black pepper

√ 1/2 tablespoon salt

√ 1 liter of beef or water stock

For the brown rice:

√ 1/4 cup sunflower oil

√ 4 chopped white onions

√ 3 cloves sliced ​​garlic

√ 4 cups whole rice

√ 8 cups boiling water

√ 2 teaspoons salt

√ 2 teaspoons ground black pepper

For mushrooms:

√ 1/4 cup olive oil

√ 4 sage leaves

√ 2 cloves garlic

√ 2 boxes of Jordan mushrooms

√ 1 box of portobello mushrooms

√ 2 teaspoons Atlantic salt

√ 1 teaspoon ground black pepper

To serve: 

√ Fresh lettuce leaves seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil and salt

Prepare the meat: Heat over a medium heat a large, heavy pan that can go into the oven, add the olive oil and sear the piece of shpondra well on all sides.

Add the pearl onions, carrots and beets, sauté for about 10 minutes, add the garlic, red wine and spices and bring to a boil.

Add the stock or water, until 3/4 of the height of the slice is covered, cover and place in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 3 hours.

Remove, remove the cover and serve immediately.

Prepare the rice: In a heavy saucepan, heat the oil over a low flame, add the onion and fry for about 20 minutes until dark golden and caramelized.

Add the garlic and rice, fry for about 3 minutes, increase to a high flame, add the water, salt and black pepper and bring to a boil.

Cover the pot, lower to a low flame and cook for about 45 minutes.

Turn off the heat, leave the pot covered for another 15 minutes and serve.

Prepare the mushrooms: Heat a wide pan over a high flame and add the olive oil, sage, garlic and mushrooms.

Stir well while stirring for about 3 minutes, season with salt and pepper, mix and serve immediately in the center of the table, next to the rice and roast.

Tatin tart with plums


√ 1/2 packet of compliment 

√ 1/2 cup white sugar

√ 3 vanilla sticks split lengthwise

√ 8-9 peeled,

split and




√ handful of pitted plums

√ 1 packet of quality puff pastry based on a compliment, cut into a circle the diameter of the mold

√ Round pie pan made of metal 28 cm in diameter (which can be cooked on a stove)

To serve: 

√ Separated thyme leaves 

Spread the compliment evenly over the bottom of the pan and sprinkle the sugar over.

Place the halves of the vanilla sticks in a pan in the shape of two and a half and arrange the apples in the pan on their cut side so that small spaces remain between them.

Tear the plums and place between the spaces.

Place the puff pastry on top of the apples, tighten the edges and punch a few small holes in the dough with a sharp knife. 

Preheat oven to 200 degrees, place the pan on a medium flame and cook for about 8 minutes, until caramel is formed at the edge of the pan.

Now carefully transfer the pan to the oven and bake for about half an hour, until the puff pastry gets a brown hue.

Remove the pan from the oven, place a larger-diameter round pan on top, hold both molds tightly with both hands, using a towel, and turn them over in a quick motion.

Remove the small pan (the one where the tart is baked), sprinkle thyme leaves on top and serve.

Tools: R + O Design Studio

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