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The defense witness will compensate Tair Rada's girlfriend Israel today

9/10/2020, 12:29:56 PM

| TrialDr. Chaim Sadovsky defended Roman Zadorov in court • He will compensate Lee Lahiani after calling her a "murderer" • "A great injustice was done to her and her friends," the judge ruled "Post accusations and insults that she and her friends are involved in the murder" Photo:  Photo: Archive, Dror Artzi Gini (from YouTube) Rishon Lezion Magistrate's Court Judge Moti Firer ruled that Dr. Haim S

Dr. Chaim Sadovsky defended Roman Zadorov in court • He will compensate Lee Lahiani after calling her a "murderer" • "A great injustice was done to her and her friends," the judge ruled

  • "Post accusations and insults that she and her friends are involved in the murder"


    Photo: Archive, Dror Artzi Gini (from YouTube)

Rishon Lezion Magistrate's Court Judge Moti Firer ruled that Dr. Haim Sadovsky, a witness on behalf of the defense in the murder of the late Tair Rada, will pay NIS 36,000 in compensation to Lee Lahiani, a daughter of the late Rada, after leading a conspiracy claim on the Internet. Lahiani, now 26, is the real "killer" or with the knowledge that another classmate is the "killer".

Judge Firer of the Rishon Lezion Magistrate's Court found that Dr. Sadowski's statements in the chats he conducted, including "if they imprison the plaintiff and her friend in prison, they will get the true story behind the murder within five minutes," constitute defamation. There is an infinite amount of circumstantial evidence against them, and they are liars. "

In a conversation with another person, Dr. Sadowski called the plaintiff and her friend "liars," and about their testimony at trial he said that they "tell a story like ordinary psychopaths."

They are very charming and make a person believe in them. "The judge criticized Sadowski for writing a book about the affair, made a documentary, and ran a Facebook group with a quarter of a million friends that was used to spread the" killer girls theory "without talking to Lahiani, the prosecutor, even once. Due to the public interest in the case, the judge ruled that many other statements made, including those in which harsh words were said about the plaintiff by Sadowski, would benefit from a defense called "extended truth defense." 

In the verdict, Judge Firer noted: "The defendant and others like him believed that the investigating authorities and the prosecution had sinned, and that an error had occurred before the courts - the district and the Supreme Court - in convicting Roman Zadorov. Towards the authorities and the law, including the courts, it is a hallmark of democracy and even a condition for its existence, but in this way the defendant and his friends caused great damage and sorrow to the plaintiff and her friends.Most of the defendant's publications were prosecuted or protected. The law and their harm to the plaintiff was found to be greater than necessary for the purpose of voicing public criticism, "the judge wrote.

As for Lahiani: "My heart goes out to the plaintiff, who as a young girl lost a good friend in a knife fight. This is a terrible murder case that shocked the mature and tough in the Israeli public and left no one indifferent, especially Tair's close friends. "At the murder scene near the time of its occurrence. One can only imagine the nightmares and the mental difficulties that result from it. However, after all this, she finds herself having to deal for so many years with accusations and insults that she and her friends are somehow involved in the murder of their girlfriend."

Attorney Ron Lewintel, who represented Lahiani, said after receiving the verdict: "Who murdered the late Tair Rada we do not know for sure as long as a request for a retrial is pending, but who murdered the childhoods of her friends can be known. Sadowski and others did injustice. Big and enduring Leli Lahiani, as the judge was also impressed, and as witnesses, who were executives in his Facebook groups, testified. In defamation of her.

"It was possible to fight for the release of Zadorov even without defaming a 13-year-old girl and without claiming that she and her best friend murdered their classmate with a knife, which is complete nonsense, and accompanied Lahiani throughout her childhood."

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