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Horoscope for today, September 13, 2020, of all zodiac signs

9/13/2020, 12:25:54 PM

Check here your horoscope for today, Sunday, September 13. What are the stars in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope,

Sunday, September 13

, the Universe forms an energetic combination in the Leo sign so that you can enjoy life more.


Today the Moon passes Leo and meets Venus and the Wheel of Fortune on a very lucky day for you, as this stellar movement benefits you.

This will be reflected making you feel a higher level of well-being and a lot of joy because your energy will move in the same direction as your mind and feelings. 

If you add to this the optimistic influence of direct Jupiter, commented on yesterday's horoscope, you will have an excellent day without contradictions between your inner and outer world.

So you can share with loved ones feeling connected to them in a very special way.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Aries Monthly Horoscope for September

Aries 2020 Annual Horoscope


Today the Moon will pass into the sign Leo and, to make its influence stronger, it will unite its energies with Venus and the Wheel of Fortune. 

As they exercise their power in the area of ​​your horoscope that corresponds to your internal world and your soul, you will perceive a lot of well-being and pride in you for having been strong in these months, as well as for having accepted the changes that the pandemic caused. 

You will feel very vital and strong, being without a doubt a very good time to recognize your achievements.

Therefore, I suggest you give yourself a prize or a small gift celebrating all that you have overcome.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for September 

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2020


On this day, the Moon generates a very good influence on you by joining Venus and the Wheel of Fortune in the sign of Leo.

This will help you to shine and give more of your sympathy and cheerful character to those around you. 

In this way, you will be with a lot of internal harmony, peace and serenity that you will share with others making them have good times with you, as it will be your way of thanking them for the times they have supported you. 

As you will also be more loving and charismatic, if you have a social encounter, you could meet someone who is significant and special in your life.

See also: 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for September

Gemini Annual Horoscope 2020


Today the Moon emits a very strong energy as it passes Leo and unites with the Wheel of Fortune and with Venus.

With this movement, you will activate the area of ​​your horoscope in which you find the qualities and abilities that you have and that make you value yourself more. 

It will be a special day because you will be stopping paying attention to what you need to achieve in life, which generates frustrations or puts you in a bad mood, and you will concentrate on looking at all the good things you already have. 

In this way, you will be able to recognize what you have achieved and build for yourself while feeling proud of yourself.

See also: 

Cancer weekly horoscope, September


, 2020

Cancer monthly horoscope for September

Cancer 2020 annual horoscope


Once again, the Moon visits your sign.

This symbolizes the start of a personal lunar month, but does not coincide with the calendar month.

However, being a new beginning and being accompanied by Venus and the Wheel of Fortune, it will help you renew your emotional and sentimental world, giving you the opportunity to feel and be in a different way. 

In addition, so much energy in your sign gives you good moments of prosperity and harmony, both in family relationships and in personal ones. 

It will be a day to enjoy small events that will give you well-being and the assurance that you will never be alone again.

See also: 

Weekly horoscope for Leo, from 7 to 13 September 2020

Monthly horoscope for Leo for September 

Annual horoscope for Leo 2020


You still feel the optimism of the Jupiter movement discussed in yesterday's horoscope, so you will wake up with a great feeling of happiness and well-being that will allow you to enjoy every moment of the day. 

Also, today the Moon will pass Leo and join the Wheel of Fortune and Venus.

This will make you feel like sharing and giving affection to your family, either by being in the company of your parents or your children, if you have them. 

For this reason, you will organize a walk with them, you will offer your love and you will infect them with the feeling of harmony that invades you.

Without a doubt, it is a special day to thank life and the Universe.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for September

Virgo 2020 Annual Horoscope


The Moon, in its journey through the sign of Leo, joins Venus and the Wheel of Fortune to get closer and closer to your sign.

This energy network influences you more and more and will bring you new emotions and great desire to renew the sensations in your heart. 

For this reason, you will be planning social gatherings or outings for this Sunday, although you could also surprise your loved ones with a visit. 

In one way or another, it is very important that you express how you feel for them.

Feel more free and encourage yourself to do things that you did not dare to do before.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope for September

Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


The Moon in Leo joins Venus and the Wheel of Fortune exerting their influence in the sector of your work goals.

This will help you organize your work week schedule, which will be very strong and intense, but without difficulties and very productive. 

You can also correct internal imbalances and, as the hours go by, feel more confident in yourself for a new start to the week. 

The important thing is that you are satisfied with yourself for your adaptability to changes and that you express all your individuality to stand out in new projects.

See also: 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for September

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2020


Today will be an excellent day for you, as the Moon will pass into Leo and unite its positive energy with Venus and the Wheel of Fortune.

As you will feel more cheerful and friendly, you will attend new events in which you can make new social contacts. 

These people who come into your life will be of importance because, through them, you will relate to important and influential personalities that benefit you for your immediate future. 

All this influence will give you a positive boost for everything related to business and cultural expansion that you had put aside due to restrictions.

See also: 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for September

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2020


Today the Moon passes into the sign Leo and unites with Venus and the Wheel of Fortune activating the most sensitive area of ​​your chart.

This is related to insecurities and fears that, although you never seem to have them because of your strong personality, you know they are inside you. 

As the mentioned sign is of strength and courage, you will feel a superior energy within you that will help you overcome the fears that hold you back and thus face the challenges that may arise during the week. 

You will see that the mentioned planetary combination will make you overcome your fears of losing what you have achieved and you will gain security and confidence in yourself.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for September

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon will pass into Leo today and activate the area of ​​your personal relationships.

As she is so changeable, where she passes can reflect her instability and that is precisely what will manifest in your relationships. 

This could be a day of disagreements, of misunderstandings and your mood would change continuously.

However, if you manage to control your character and your emotional world, you will see that everything passes and that it is not worth getting angry. 

It is in this way that you can enjoy a day without bitterness.

Take each inconvenience as a test to overcome and you will see that you will feel proud of yourself and of what you have achieved.

See also: 

Aquarius weekly horoscope, September 7 to 13, 2020

Aquarius monthly horoscope for September

Aquarius annual horoscope 2020


Today is a special day because in the sign of Leo the Moon meets Venus and the Wheel of Fortune.

This combination will form an energy network that will make you feel very good and more attractive looking for your best clothes to meet your friends. 

In addition, it will give you very pleasant feelings when you enjoy the good things that life offers you, being at the same time a different moment in which you will enjoy everything. 

You will perceive this when you dress up more, through a chat or listening to music and dancing;

also savoring your favorite food.

All these sensations will nourish your heart to start a good week.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for September

Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

See also:

Diseases that you can suffer according to your zodiac sign

5 simple ways to cleanse your aura of negative energies

Zodiac signs that could commit an infidelity in 2020 and how they can avoid it 

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