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Horoscope for today, September 15, 2020, of all zodiac signs


Check here your horoscope for today, Tuesday, September 15. What are the stars in store for you today? Predictions by sign by Astrologer Silvia Rioja

In today's horoscope,

Tuesday, September 15

, the


begins its

Last Quarter


so that you can free yourself from problems related to the area of ​​your horoscope in which it is happening.


The Moon in its Last Quarter phase tells you that it is the right time to focus on your health.

This helps you so that today you can begin to purify your body more with a diet and strengthen your entire immune system, since taking care of yourself in this way will allow you to have your body better protected from the diseases that you attract according to your sign.

It also takes advantage of this influence to get out of bad eating habits and to rest badly at night.

Consider that you are doing a whole renovation of all your cells to remove every trace of disease from their memories.

See also:

Aries Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Aries Monthly Horoscope for September

Aries Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon, which is already in the sign Leo, began its Last Quarter phase.

With this process, she recommends you review what situations in your life no longer generate pleasure and thus get out of these to receive better ones on the New Moon.

This can be a relationship, a business or a personal project, but the important thing is not to keep it in your life anymore.

It is also essential that you check which of these mentioned topics you started 6 or 12 months ago, since they are the ones that have the most tendency to finish.

Remember that if you do this cleaning you can attract better situations.

See also:

Taurus Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Taurus Monthly Horoscope for September 

Taurus Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon begins the Last Quarter phase being in the sign Leo.

This phase is associated with eliminating worn-out situations from your life, be it a relationship, a job or even a certain state of mind that no longer serves you.

It is good to do this now because it ensures you get out of circumstances that limit you and thus you will better start the new cycle of New Moon on Thursday.

Here you can also review what you can change in your family relationships and if there is any member from whom you should move away or demand a change to avoid a toxic environment.

It considers that it is something very important for the harmony of the home.

See also: 

Gemini Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Gemini Monthly Horoscope for September

Gemini Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon is already in Leo and today its Last Quarter phase begins, which serves as a bridge between the past and the future because it prepares you for the New Moon.

This process prompts you to do a cleaning in a certain area of ​​your life and, this time, it refers to the memories of difficult situations or those ideas or beliefs that do not let you move forward.

It is also good that you review your annual plans, as well as the pending projects that you have.

You should remove it from your list to those you know you will not be able to comply because, that way, you will have a better start with the New Moon on Thursday.

See also: 

Cancer Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Cancer Monthly Horoscope for September

Cancer 2020 Annual Horoscope


The Moon is already in its last quarter phase, generating a good time to end everything that you no longer want to have in your life, as well as for you to calmly review what part of you you want to change, since the New Moon on Thursday will offer you a new opportunity.

For this, take advantage of this day to analyze if it is time to change jobs or if you already have the one you want.

Also how is your way of earning money and if you are earning what you want because this will show you the value that you give yourself.

If there is something you should correct from what has been said, it is good to do it before Thursday to start a new cycle improving your relationship with money.

See also: 

Weekly Horoscope for Leo, September


, 2020

Monthly Horoscope for Leo for September 

Annual Horoscope for Leo 2020


The Moon is already in Leo and from there its last quarter phase begins.

This will serve as a preparation for the New Moon that will be Thursday in your sign.

As its size decreases, it indicates that it is a time to conclude projects and close pending issues.

It is also useful to clean bad habits and the worst addictions that you hide according to your sign, since you will have the strength to change this aspect of your life.

It helps you to start a detoxifying diet, an exercise plan, get out of stress and meditate more.

For this to be effective, you must also review and write down everything you want to leave behind.

I advise you to read this list once a day to keep it in your mind.

See also: 

Virgo Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Virgo Monthly Horoscope for September

Virgo Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon passes through Leo and its Last Quarter phase begins.

This movement symbolizes a withdrawal and a special time for you to eliminate the internal fears that paralyze you.

As it is a final period and, at the same time, it is the moment to prepare for a new cycle of your life, it is good that you take advantage of it to get out of the confusions and the low energy moods that you have had in recent weeks.

You can also let out the feeling of not finding what your soul needs to be happy, since with the New Moon on Thursday you will renew your spiritual energy.

See also: 

Libra Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Libra Monthly Horoscope for September

Libra 2020 Annual Horoscope


The Moon is already small in the sky and will continue to decrease in size until Thursday when it begins its New Moon phase.

Its symbolism in the horoscope is the closing of a cycle;

therefore, you will allocate much of your energy to review, clarify or finalize situations.

In your case, the easiest to close are those related to colleagues and your work group, so see if you feel good working with them or the relationship is already unsustainable.

But first it also helps you to check if you have made the correct efforts to improve these situations and what errors you can correct in the future.

Dedicate this day to resolving conflicts and finishing what can no longer continue.

See also: 

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for September

Scorpio Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon is in its Last Quarter phase indicating that days are coming for the elimination of obstacles, the closing of projects and to be grateful for what you have achieved.

This way you will be preparing for a new cycle of better work and professional experiences.

To do this cleaning, it is important that you become aware today that your growth depends directly on the confidence you have in yourself.

In this order of ideas, it is the best time to break with all this, as well as to end those work relationships that harm you.

In this way, you will be prepared for the new cycle with the New Moon on Thursday.

See also: 

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for September

Sagittarius Annual Horoscope 2020


The Moon is passing through Leo and in its Last Quarter phase indicating that it is time for a cleansing and preparation to receive a new cycle.

In the case of your sign, this relates to your ideas and your beliefs.

As in the last month, due to everything that happened with the pandemic, you have been rethinking your faith because you feel that you have a hard time believing.

Now, with the moon phase mentioned, you will have the opportunity to decide what will be the positive ideas that will stay with you.

Therefore, it is good that you take advantage of this day and review what old concepts are no longer reliable for you.

This way you will be prepared for the New Moon on Thursday and you can incorporate your new beliefs.

See also: 

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope for September

Capricorn Annual Horoscope 2020


You are a very rational sign and that is why it will be very easy for you to end everything that makes you bad or does not serve you.

It is for this reason that the Last Quarter phase of the Moon is very appropriate for you;

above all, in these times in which you have accumulated anguish due to what you have experienced in recent months.

Take advantage of this day to firmly propose to banish bad habits or attitudes, as well as to get out of the obsessions that you suffer according to your sign.

Also, to better cope with this process, I recommend you let go of the things in your life that are negative for you;

from a relationship to work problems.

Changing this will make you emotionally clean by Thursday's New Moon.

See also: 

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for September

Aquarius Annual Horoscope 2020


To attract new people into your life, you must first get out of worn out feelings and relationships;

including friendships.

Towards this end, the Moon in Leo, which is already in its Last Quarter phase, benefits you to do so on this day.

Take the opportunity to get away from toxic people and the feelings that they left you, because you have to stay happy and with an open heart and willing to receive more love.

Dedicate this day to remove old memories, sadness and low self-esteem, because in this way the situations and people you attract will change.

This way you will see how you attract the right person after the New Moon on Thursday.

See also:

Pisces Weekly Horoscope, September


, 2020

Pisces Monthly Horoscope for September

Pisces 2020 Annual Horoscope

See also:

Why more and more people are turning to tarot and astrology for their mental health 

These zodiac signs could go through a divorce in 2020

The zodiac signs that will suffer the most jealousy during 2020 

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Source: telemundo

All life articles on 2020-09-15

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