The Limited Times

Nomadland, Golden Lion of a resilient Venice Film Festival

9/13/2020, 4:34:48 PM

Organized in the midst of a pandemic, the festival rewards the film by American Chloé Zhao.The oldest film festival in the world did take place from September 2 to 12, becoming the industry's first major international meeting to be physically held in the age of Covid-19. "Miracle" or "laboratory" for the festivals to come, in the words of the president of the jury Cate Blanchett, Venice has not sunk, at the cost of a very strict and not very festive sanitary protocol: wearing of the obl

The oldest film festival in the world did take place from September 2 to 12, becoming the industry's first major international meeting to be physically held in the age of Covid-19.




for the festivals to come, in the words of the president of the jury Cate Blanchett, Venice has not sunk, at the cost of a very strict and not very festive sanitary protocol: wearing of the obligatory mask in the rooms, gauge reduced to 50%, passage of checkpoint with temperature measurement ... We experienced Mostra more effervescent (only 5,000 journalists were accredited this year, against 12,000 last year) and more glamorous, the Hollywood gratin n ' not having made the trip.

Read also:

Private Americans, the Mostra makes its cinema with Europeans

Cate Blanchett, she assumed her duties and delivered a prize list in the image of a special edition from all points of view.

While the Mostra is regularly criticized for its sexism - the selection of


by Roman Polanski worsening his case in 2019 - the competition hosted this year

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