The Limited Times

California fires: "Eventually it will get colder," Trump sweeps over global warming

9/14/2020, 8:46:49 PM

The US president, traveling on the fire-ridden US West Coast, swept aside global warming concerns on Monday.

The American leader accused of being a “climate arsonist” by his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, once again confirms his climate-skeptical position.

In the midst of the election campaign, Donald Trump arrived in California on Monday morning to learn about the situation on the west coast ravaged by deadly fires.

While dozens of blazes have killed at least 35 people since the start of the summer, including 27 this week alone in Washington, Oregon and California, the president was keen to brush aside concerns about global warming.

“Eventually it will cool down,” the president commented from Sacramento.

The fires that are increasing across the globe are however associated by scientists with various phenomena, anticipated due to global warming.

The increase in temperature, the increase in heat waves and the drop in precipitation in places is therefore an ideal combination for the development of fires.

At least 35 dead

"I don't think science really knows," added the Republican candidate, who regularly makes climate-skeptical remarks.

"The observed evidence speaks for itself: climate change is real and it worsens" fires, also insisted Gavin Newsom, Governor of California.

Upon arrival, the White House tenant once again pointed to "forest management" in fire-hit states, ruled by Democrats, rather than climate change.


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The Democratic candidate Joe Biden was, at the same time, unleashed against his rival, who according to him denies the reality of climate change, partly responsible for the fires ravaging the American West.

“If we give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, how could anyone be surprised that America is set on fire even more?

Declared the former vice-president, who will challenge the Republican billionaire in the presidential election of November 3, from the state of Delaware where he lives.

"We have a choice, we can commit to moving forward together because we know that climate change is an existential challenge that will determine the future of our country", or "we can choose Donald Trump's path: ignore the facts, deny reality, which amounts to surrender completely, ”he added.

The American president is only due to stay a few hours in the capital of California, before leaving for a stopover in Arizona, one of the key states that could overturn the November 3 ballot.

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