The Limited Times

Due to the "whitewashing" of coronavirus deaths in the Province, Argentina made a sharp jump in its fatality rate

9/25/2020, 11:11:43 PM

The country was ranked 13th in number of deaths. On Thursday he had already been 9th in number of cases. It is after more than six months of quarantine.

Pablo Sigal

09/25/2020 - 19:50

  • Clarí

  • Society

The province of Buenos Aires now has a fatality rate from coronavirus of

3.2 percent and Argentina, 2.70 percent


The world average is 3 percent.

The jump is enormous because in a single day the district governed by Axel Kicillof "blanked" after

almost seven months

of pandemic

3,523 deaths

that were not in the centralized system that manages the Ministry of Health of the Nation.


had already realized this situation in August, when it announced the

"false curve" of the coronavirus

: that is, between the number of deaths that was being reported and the real number that was later recorded in the databases there were there was a difference of

30 percent


That continued to happen until now, when the Province decided to optimize a computer system that will allow the number of deaths to be known

in real time.

This situation places Argentina in a quite different place on the world map than it had been.

Until now, in the country there were

326 deaths per million inhabitants.

Now there are

406 deaths per million


What does this mean?

Several things.

First, where the country is located in the world: in

position number 13

 in number of deaths, with a total of


 until before the evening part of this Friday.

On Thursday, Argentina had passed to South Africa in number of cases and now it has also surpassed it in deaths, based on this

honesty of the figures


The African country has 16,312 deaths with a rate of 274 deaths per million, given that its population is almost 60 million inhabitants, against 45 million Argentines.

Secondly, this new reality brings into question the

real effects that strict quarantine has had in Argentina.

The perception for several months was that strict confinement was serving to keep the death rate at bay.

Now that argument begins to change.

These 3,500 deaths have accumulated

since the beginning of the pandemic in the country.

"When we crossed the complete database, death certificates appeared that did not say Covid and were Covid,"

a source from the Buenos Aires government

explained to



The perception of the curve, with all those dead that had been left out of the frame, would have been very different if they began to be known when the quarantine was at its peak.

The Province has raised as one of its arguments for this gap that this type of situation

has occurred throughout the world


And for that, he put back, as often happens in the press conferences of the national ruling party, what has been happening in other countries.

"The United Kingdom and France have a confirmed under-registration because, at the beginning of the pandemic, they only counted

deaths that occurred in hospitals.

Only in April those that occurred in geriatric centers also began to be added. If we take into account that, since that date , a

little more than half of the French deaths

have occurred in residences for the elderly (51%) we take the dimension of the sub-registry of deceased ", it was stated in the presentation of the Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Daniel Gollán.

And it is added: "In New York, in a

single day the deaths increased by 3,700

because they also only counted the deaths that occurred in hospitals," it is stated in the presentation. "It also gives an account of the situation in Spain through a publication from the newspaper ABC: "The world suffers from this problem and countries are looking for answers while trying to control the virus.

In Spain, the newspaper ABC reported that there are

53 thousand deaths from coronavirus, 24 thousand more than those officially reported


Now the Province says it has found

the tool

so that delays in the information do not happen again.

It even offered the computer crossover system for use by other districts that require it.

It will be necessary to see if this has been a merely Buenos Aires disease or, when the situation of the whole country is passed through the same sieve, the number of people killed by Covid takes another leap.


Look also

The Province admits that there are 3,500 more deaths from coronavirus than those reported so far

They discover that 10% of the most serious coronavirus patients had genetic or immune system alterations