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In a world where a prime minister is serving an indictment, will Sarah resign because of a visit to Tiberias? - Walla! news

10/6/2020, 6:20:49 AM

After Netanyahu reconciled with his son, the Blue and White faction convened without masks, and an opposition MK hosted his granddaughters during the closure, it is hard to expect Minister Gamliel to be exempt and resign. But the Israelis are not suckers either, Faster

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In a world where a prime minister is serving an indictment, will Sarah resign because of a visit to Tiberias?

After Netanyahu reconciled with his son, the Blue and White faction convened without masks, and an opposition MK hosted his granddaughters during the closure, it is hard to expect Minister Gamliel to be exempt and resign. But the Israelis are not suckers either, Faster


  • Gila Gamliel

  • Mickey Levy

  • The Likud

  • Corona virus

  • Blue and white

His dew

Tuesday, 06 October 2020, 09:11

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In the video: Demonstration outside Minister Gamliel's home (Photo: Niv Aharonson)

One of the common interpretations of the phenomenon of non-compliance with corona guidelines in groups in Israeli society is that Israelis are not willing to become suckers.

If it is allowed to gather at demonstrations in Balfour, the ultra-Orthodox ask, why is it not possible to sit on Sukkot?

If it is permissible to pray in synagogues, the Arabs ask, why is it not possible to hold weddings?

And if it is possible to demonstrate, to pray, and to celebrate in pirate event gardens, the secularists ask, why is it not possible to watch a show or sit in a restaurant in the open air?

Everyone together looks at the government in Jerusalem and asks - if they can go without masks, celebrate the holidays with their associates, and fly abroad in VIP isolation conditions, why should we meet the decrees they impose on us?

There are many versions of the origin of the word sucker - German, Yiddish, Romanian Or Polish, but most of all - this is a completely Israeli word, which explains a lot of social phenomena in our tiny country, and at least some of the reasons for the conduct of the Minister of Environmental Protection Gila Gamliel. The minister made every possible mistake in the book in recent days. For spending Yom Kippur in a synagogue in Tiberias and then lying to the epidemiological researchers as part of an effort to cut off the chain of infection in which she was infected with the virus.

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Made every possible mistake in the book.

Gamliel (Photo: Flash 90, Yonatan Zindel)

Gamliel got caught up in a chain of lies and evasions, at the end of which she sent a weak apology, and is very far from the angry cries that demanded her head, and will resign or be fired immediately.

But she is not the first in the government or the Knesset to blatantly violate the guidelines and decrees that the public groaned under, and continued to sit comfortably in their chairs.

And in a political world where a prime minister accused of bribery, fraud and breach of trust intends to wait for a final verdict before leaving office, why would she vacate her seat because she chose to spend time with her family in Tiberias?

If Netanyahu himself violated Passover guidelines, and did not fire his two advisers who violated isolation two weeks ago to infiltrate demonstrations in Balfour and shop at the supermarket, on what argument could he fire her?

"Not suckers."

A demonstration near Gamliel's home yesterday

The expectation that Gamliel would really adopt a different degree of morality than that demonstrated by the rest of her colleagues around the cabinet table turned out to be completely exaggerated.

Why would she come out a sucker?

It's better for her to wait for another mast sucker to come.

Perforated versions

Netanyahu has meanwhile contented himself with a slight reluctant remark, and let Gamliel enjoy because of the doubt "until the tests are over."

It's just that her case is particularly blatant, different from the rest of the politicians in the parade, and came at a terrible time, with public trust in the leadership deteriorating day by day.

This incident threatens to drag him into the abyss.

Even if one accepts the excuses provided by Gamliel for her presence in Tiberias, a distance of about 140 kilometers from her home in north Tel Aviv, and for praying in a synagogue even though the prime minister and senior rabbis called on the public to do just the opposite, it is hard to accept

No garden.

Netanyahu (Photo: Reuters)

According to reports in Haaretz, she evaded, lied and changed versions before the epidemiological researchers, and hid from them for a day the prayers she held at her husband's family's synagogue in Tiberias, which has since been revealed as a hotbed of mass infection.

Even after the publication, it continued to get entangled in perforated and detached versions, a masterpiece of failed crisis management.

Instead of taking responsibility and apologizing immediately with the embarrassing publicity, she lingered for hours until she finally issued an apology that excused her conduct to "misjudgment."

In light of being at the same time a "mother of little girls," she explained in the disconnect, and her desire to combine motherhood with a career, she moved them to Tiberias for the period of closure.

Walla, all the careerist mothers, and even those who did not, were happy to send the children to grandparents and visit only on Saturdays and holidays.

There is only one problem.

According to government regulations, which Gamliel pointed out with her own hands, this is forbidden.

Gamliel enjoys a rare political silence;

Netanyahu did not condemn it, and none of the Likud's Knesset members issued a statement of criticism.

Even in blue and white they kept quiet.

They, too, already have a record of violating demonstrated guidelines at a faction meeting held last August in a closed room without masks.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid, who last month demanded that any minister caught violating the closure resign, could have made a round of such an event but was forced to remain silent because he had to deal with Mickey Levy's farce at home.

Violated the guidelines twice.

MK Mickey Levy (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Levy, a former police officer, violated the instructions twice. According to reports in News 12, on Rosh Hashanah he hosted his three granddaughters at home and on Yom Kippur he visited his son, while the Ministry of Health regulation prohibits staying at someone else’s home. Levy's plots dropped the ground beneath Yesh Atid's ability to preach morality to Gamliel and the government in general. It turns out that vitamin deficiency is a personal example of this cross-camp disease.

A random and unrepresentative stroll on social media yesterday shows that Gamliel has suffered resentment and hatred at levels usually reserved for Netanyahu. The Likudniks, who outwardly restrained themselves in closed-door talks, were also shocked by the incident. Her vacation in Tiberias joins the statement "regret" of Minister Tzachi Hanegbi as a symbol of the severance in the ruling party. Gamliel will not resign because she is not a sucker, but it is an event that may eliminate her dreams of advancing to a significant role and stopping her career for a few years. Israelis are not suckers either, and they do not forgive so quickly.

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