The Limited Times

“Witches Night Superlight” with a pumpkin show

10/8/2020, 10:15:31 AM

Even gruesome (disguised) figures had been found punctually for Halloween at Witches' Night in recent years. The big horror party in the old town of Schongau has to be canceled this year due to the corona. Instead, there will be a kind of “Witches Night Superlight” in mid-October.

Even gruesome (disguised) figures had been found punctually for Halloween at Witches' Night in recent years.

The big horror party in the old town of Schongau has to be canceled this year due to the corona.

Instead, there will be a kind of “Witches Night Superlight” in mid-October.


- No market Sundays, no Witches Night.

A sad year that doesn't necessarily make the old town of Schongau any easier.

Nevertheless, the advertising community has considered offering at least a smaller version of the event together with “Schongau animated”.

The advertising community thought: "It would be a shame if everything fell into the water," said businesswoman Maria Mader from the advertising community.

Instead of Witches' Night, there will be a long night of shopping on Friday, October 16, until 8 p.m., and on Saturday, October 17, you can shop in the old town until 4 p.m.

Certainly there will be small promotions in some shops again.

A large stage should be on Marienplatz

The big stage at Marienplatz: not possible because of the crowds.

But at least there will be music.

Live on Friday evening from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday from 1 p.m. - all at Marienplatz.

This time not pumpkins at the Marienbrunnen

And a very special highlight of the Witches Night will fall victim to the pandemic this year: The Marienbrunnen is no longer allowed to be the stage for the big pumpkin show.

The self-carved pumpkins, true works of art by small and large masters, which could always be admired in close harmony at the Marienbrunnen, cannot be exhibited in one heap in all their glory this year.

There is too great a risk of inadvertently getting up close and personal with the orange masterpieces here at the fountain.

You don't want to do without the award of the pumpkins

However, one does not want to do without an award for pumpkin art, this is always particularly exciting.

“The pumpkins are exhibited in front of the participating shops,” says Maria Mader.

So if you want to award points and thus could win yourself, you can take a closer look at the art of carving at the shops.

“When the pumpkins are distributed around the city, the distance can be better maintained.” The slips of paper to fill out are available in the shops.

It's hard to offer something attractive without causing a crowd.

Maria Mader and her colleagues rely on the common sense of the people: "So that this weekend - by far - will be the best event."

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50 students from the Welfen-Gymnasium are currently in quarantine, there is a corona case at the Schongauer school.

Last year the visitors flocked to the old town of Schongau, the Witches Night is popular with young and old

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