The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: 485 deaths and another 15,454 positive cases reported

10/8/2020, 10:53:56 PM

This was reported by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, hours before it was announced how the quarantine will continue from next week.

10/08/2020 7:27 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 10/08/2020 7:44 PM

On the eve of a new announcement of how the quarantine will continue from next week and while the return to face-to-face classes is being defined, the Ministry of Health of the Nation reported another

485 deaths and 15,454 new cases

of coronavirus

this Thursday


It is the second day in a row above 15,000 daily infections, after yesterday's record of 16,447.

With these figures,

Argentina reached 856,369 positives

since the start of the pandemic and, after surpassing Spain and Peru, it remains the sixth country with the most accumulated infected, only below the United States, India, Brazil, Russia and Colombia , last of the "top 5" with 886,179 infected.

In addition, the national territory accumulates 22,710 fatalities.

Of the deaths registered this day (291 men, 192 women and two of whom the sex was not specified), 187 resided in the province of Buenos Aires, 84 in Tucumán, 66 in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), 30 in Santa Fe and La Rioja, 19 in Jujuy, 18 in Córdoba, 11 in Salta, ten in Mendoza, seven in Río Negro, six in Entre Ríos, four in Chaco, three in Chubut, two in San Luis and Santa Cruz, and one in La Pampa, Neuquén, Tierra del Fuego and Santiago del Estero.

Situation # COVID19 in Argentina

Confirmed: 15,454 |

Total: 856,369 Deaths

: 485 |

Total: 22,710

ICU bed occupancy

: 4,043

Percentage of total adult ICU bed occupancy:

- Nation: 63%

- AMBA: 63.3%

Full report:

- Ministry of Health of the Nation (@msalnacion) October 8, 2020

Because the current stage of isolation expires this Monday, it is expected that in the next few hours the national, provincial and municipal authorities will announce the characteristics that the new phase will have.

To define the new guidelines, President Alberto Fernández today holds a

virtual meeting

from Olivos with all the governors.

On September 18, the Government extended the mandatory social isolation until Sunday, October 11, warning at that time that "

the pandemic does not allow neglect

", even when "the public is beginning to relax" and despite the fact that infections continue to grow with force in the interior of the country.

Last month the extension was announced in a message sent through social networks by the official account of Casa Rosada, with the


of an announcer who highlighted that the new extension was decided -as in all stages- " from dialogue "with the provinces.

Most of those admitted to intensive care for coronavirus are in the AMBA.

Photo: AFP


Luis Cámera

, a clinical doctor who is an expert in geriatrics and a member of the group that advises the President, said that "you have to

adapt to living with the coronavirus

" for a long period, and in that sense he pointed out that the possible return to school activities.

"What seemed at the beginning of the year -for the European models and what happened in China- that made us think that this could go away, we are realizing that no, that the pandemic is not going away. This last week was the worst globally. We have to adapt to living with the virus, if possible, with the least amount of virus possible, "he explained.

In dialogue with

Radio Continental

, Cámera assured that while progress with vaccines in a process "that

may take years

", the care measures "must be permanent" and regretted that science has not focused on the search for a antiviral for the treatment of the disease.

"The situation means that we have to live with the virus and make different strategies. The pandemic is lasting a long time and

we cannot have everything paralyzed.

There is the challenge," he remarked.

News in development


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