The Limited Times

Concentrated competence for a social city

10/9/2020, 9:32:51 AM

For many years the Germeringer Insel has been an important building block in the city's social life. Affected people can find help and advice in various areas here. Now the friends' association has a new board - with experienced staff.

For many years the Germeringer Insel has been an important building block in the city's social life.

Affected people can find help and advice in various areas here.

Now the friends' association has a new board - with experienced staff.

Germering - Sonja Thiele is now at the head of the Germeringer Insel support association.

She replaces Christian Dittrich, who held this office for seven years.

In addition, he was on the board of directors from the foundation of the association, that was in 2011.

Bernd Dittrich and Eike Höppner are also new as deputy chairmen.

Vera Greif, Anita Schindler and Heinz Wichert were also confirmed in the same position.

The “newcomers” are experienced people who already shape social life in Germering in various functions.

Höppner, for example, was a kindergarten officer in the last term of office of the city council.

Bernd Dittrich is a member of the participation advisory board founded in 2019, which was formed from a merger of the disability and senior citizens' advisory board.

Finally, Thiele was not only managing director of social services for a long time, but is also represented on the city council.

Despite all the experience, Thiele showed great respect for the future task and its predecessor: "I am following in big footsteps."

Solid finances

This meant Christian Dittrich, who, in addition to the office of chairman, had long also assumed the role of treasurer.

The good news: Despite the Corona crisis, he is handing over a more than solid club.

This was already evident at the annual meeting in the figures he presented.

In 2019, a total surplus of around 23,200 euros was achieved, currently the assets are 66,200 euros.

Over 20,000 euros are so-called free reserves that the association can freely allocate.

The other amounts are earmarked for family projects and volunteer agencies.

A tombola in the AEZ and a benefit concert in the parish of St. Martin washed a lot of money into the coffers in 2019.

The latter brought in the curious sum of 2222.22 euros.

Among other things, a language training course that was part of the Office for Youth, Family, Seniors and Social Affairs was supported.

There was a new interior design for the family café Zenja, and the Germeringer Tafel also received a donation.

Dittrich also regretted financially the cancellation of the Charity Night, which took place for years in the “Griabign”, but was canceled in 2019 because of the withdrawal of host Alex Maffei.

Stable number of members

Dittrich worries about the membership, which has been stable since 2019, but also unchanged at 128.

"We have a hard time finding new members."

Christian Dittrich had no longer run at his own request.

"In my life I have always done well making decisions when I can still influence them," said the 77-year-old.

Gabriele Pichelmaier gave the reason for her withdrawal, among other things, her engagement in the city council.

"And five grandchildren too."

Secretary Kurt Köhler, who, like the other two, was in a responsible position in the friends' association from the start, was adopted.

Lord Mayor Andreas Hass, assessor in the development association, praised: "Especially in times of Corona, the commitment to social issues cannot be overestimated."

The multigenerational house in particular is very grateful for the support.

In 2020, the association has not yet been able to hold an event due to corona.

The annual meeting, which finally took place, was originally planned for April.

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