The Limited Times

New crown pneumonia | Wan Chai will set up a temporary testing center without making an appointment to test 1,000 daily

10/9/2020, 2:41:57 PM

The new crown pneumonia epidemic has rebounded. The Centre for Health Protection announced today (9th) that there were 8 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, of which 7 were local cases. Deputy Director of the Food and Health Bureau Xu Deyi said at the press conference that temporary testing centers will be set up in four districts. The government announced in the evening that citizens interested in testing do not need to make an appointment and can go to any temporary testing center during the opening hours of the center. Among them, the Wan Chai Temporary Testing Center is located at the Harbour Road Sports Centre, and BGI provides sampling and testing services; while the Kwai Tsing Temporary Testing Center is located in the Shek Lei Community Hall and is served by the Hong Kong Molecular Pathology Laboratory.

Social News

Written by: Zhang Jiamin, Zheng Cuibi

2020-10-09 22:28

Last update date: 2020-10-09 22:28

The new crown pneumonia epidemic has rebounded.

The Centre for Health Protection announced today (9th) that there were 8 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, of which 7 were local cases.

Deputy Director of the Food and Health Bureau Xu Deyi said at the press conference that temporary testing centers will be set up in four districts.

The government announced in the evening that citizens interested in testing do not need to make an appointment and can go to any temporary testing center during the opening hours of the center.

Among them, the Wan Chai Temporary Testing Center is located at the Harbour Road Sports Centre, and BGI provides sampling and testing services; while the Kwai Tsing Temporary Testing Center is located in the Shek Lei Community Hall and is served by the Hong Kong Molecular Pathology Laboratory.

▼Reopening of premises and relaxation measures starting on October 2▼




The Wan Chai Temporary Testing Center is located at the Harbour Road Stadium. It will start operations tomorrow (10th) and is tentatively open until October 14th (next Wednesday).

Tomorrow's opening hours will be from 10 am to 8 pm, and for the following 4 days, it will be open from 8 am to 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 8 pm.

Sampling and testing services will be provided by BGI, and the daily testing volume is expected to be 1,000 samples.

The Kwai Tsing Temporary Testing Center at Shek Lei Community Hall will start operation on Sunday (11th) and is also tentatively scheduled to open until October 14.

On Sundays, the opening hours are from 1 pm to 8 pm, and for the next 3 days, from 8 am to 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 8 pm.

Sampling and testing services will be provided by the Hong Kong Molecular Pathology Laboratory, with an estimated daily testing volume of 1,000 samples.

No details in Kowloon City District and Yau Tsim Mong District

The government is also arranging to set up two temporary testing centers in Kowloon City District and Yau Tsim Mong District. Details will be announced later.

After reviewing the use of temporary testing centers and the public’s demand for testing services, the government will decide whether it is necessary to extend the operating hours of temporary testing centers.

A temporary testing center will be set up at the Wan Chai Harbour Road Sports Centre, which will be operational on October 10.

(Photo/Photo by Yang Jialang)

Be notified 2 to 3 days after sampling

The government stated that citizens who are at risk of infection do not need to make an appointment and can go to any temporary testing center during the opening hours of the center to receive combined swab testing of the nose and throat.

The testing contractor will collect samples from the sample collection center and send the samples to the laboratory for testing.

After arriving at the temporary testing center, citizens must show their Hong Kong ID card, Hong Kong birth certificate or other valid identification documents, and provide a phone number for registration.

After registration, the medical or nursing training staff on duty will collect combined swab samples from the nose and throat.

Those with negative test results will receive a SMS notification from the registered phone number within about 2 to 3 days after the sample is collected. Cases with a positive test result will be immediately referred to the Center for Health Protection of the Department of Health for follow-up.

According to a person in the laboratory industry, it is understood that the contractors for this testing plan include BGI and the Hong Kong Molecular Pathology Laboratory as well as Golden Mile Testing. These three companies have mainland backgrounds.

According to the industry sources, the government has not planned to contact the local private laboratories on this occasion. Some private laboratories in Hong Kong have even contacted the government proactively, expressing their desire to provide testing services, but there has been no response. The testing capacity of the local private laboratories is about It can process 3000 to 5000 samples.

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