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New crown pneumonia | Lan Kwai Fong to set up a mobile car delivery sample bottle tonight, Wan Chai to set up a temporary testing center tomorrow


The new crown pneumonia epidemic has rebounded. The Centre for Health Protection announced today (9th) that there were 8 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, of which 7 were local cases. Deputy Secretary for Food and Health Xu Deyi pointed out that mobile testing centers will be set up in Lan Kwai Fong, Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai in Central. There will be mobile vehicles near the bar area to distribute sample bottles, and Lan Kwai Fong will take the lead tonight. At the same time, the government will also set up temporary testing centers in four districts to collect nasal and throat swab samples from the public. The Wan Chai Harbour Road Sports Centre is expected to be operational as soon as tomorrow, and the Shek Lei Community Hall in Kwai Tsing will be opened as soon as Sunday (11th) Started, the plan is tentatively implemented until next Wednesday (14th). He also pointed out that whether it is a mobile testing center or a temporary testing center, citizens participate voluntarily.

Social News

Written by: Wang Jieen

2020-10-09 18:25

Last update date: 2020-10-09 18:25

The new crown pneumonia epidemic has rebounded.

The Centre for Health Protection announced today (9th) that there were 8 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, of which 7 were local cases.

Deputy Secretary for Food and Health Xu Deyi pointed out that mobile testing centers will be set up in Lan Kwai Fong, Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai in Central. There will be mobile vehicles near the bar area to distribute sample bottles, and Lan Kwai Fong will take the lead tonight.

At the same time, the government will also set up temporary testing centers in four districts to collect nasal and throat swab samples from the public. The Wan Chai Harbour Road Sports Centre is expected to be operational as soon as tomorrow, and the Shek Lei Community Hall in Kwai Tsing will be opened as soon as Sunday (11th) Started, the plan is tentatively implemented until next Wednesday (14th).

He also pointed out that whether it is a mobile testing center or a temporary testing center, citizens participate voluntarily.

The bar area in Lan Kwai Fong in Central will be the first to set up mobile vehicles tonight to distribute sample bottles.

(Information Picture/Photo by Li Zetong)

Set up a mobile testing center 

for bar groups

Deputy Director of the Food and Health Bureau Xu Deyi pointed out that in order to target the bar group, considering that they may not line up to collect sample bottles during the day, a mobile testing center will be set up near the bar area to increase incentives.

He said that the bar area in Lan Kwai Fong in Central will be the first to set up mobile vehicles tonight to distribute sample bottles to encourage bar staff or guests to collect them. On Saturdays and Sundays, there will also be related arrangements in Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai.

A temporary testing center will be set up at the Wan Chai Harbour Road Stadium, which is expected to be operational as soon as tomorrow.

(Photo/Photo by Yang Jialang)

Set up temporary testing centers in four districts

In addition, the government will set up temporary testing centers in four districts for the recent outbreak of community clusters, including the Kwai Tsing Shek Lei Community Hall near the "National Treasure House" in Kwai Chung, and the Wan Chai Harbour Road Sports Centre.

The details of the other two locations (Kowloon City and Tsim Sha Tsui) will be announced in due course.

Tsui Deyi pointed out that the Wan Chai Harbour Road Sports Centre is expected to be operational as soon as tomorrow; and the Shek Lei Community Hall in Kwai Tsing will be opened as soon as Sunday (11th), and the daily inspection volume is tentatively scheduled for 1,000 times.

He also pointed out that the testing services at the two venues will operate until next Wednesday, and the operating hours will be extended if necessary.

He said that in the temporary testing center, the testing mode of national testing will be adopted, that is, sampling of nasal cavity and throat swabs.

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Is Huasheng responsible for no positive response?

Huasheng Diagnostic Center was in charge of testing samples for the nationwide test earlier.

When asked whether Huasheng was responsible for the testing or sampling of the temporary testing center, Xu did not respond positively, but said that there were several different suppliers.

He also pointed out that it is necessary to refer to suppliers who have provided similar services in the past and make temporary purchases.

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2020-10-09

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