The Limited Times

US election 2020: Joe Biden met his wife Jill on a blind date: "Finally a gentleman, mom" 

11/2/2020, 12:59:51 PM

If Joe Biden wins the 2020 US election, the US will not only have a new president, but also a new first lady: Jill Biden - who is the woman who met her husband on a blind date?

If Joe Biden wins the 2020 US election, the US will not only have a new president, but also a new first lady: Jill Biden - who is the woman who met her husband on a blind date?

  • The 59th US presidential election will take place on November 3rd.

  • Joe Biden challenges Donald Trump.

  • If the Democrat wins, the US also has a new first lady: Jill Biden.

    The woman in the portrait.

Wilmington -

Eleanor Roosevelt


Jacky Kennedy


Betty Ford


Hillary Clinton


Michelle Obama

& Co. - the


already had some

first ladies

who caused a sensation during and after their husband's presidency - and who were popular with the population.

Before the 59th presidential election, the first lady goes by the name of

Melania Trump


If her husband Donald is defeated, there is a new first lady in the USA:

Jill Biden

, wife of the Democratic presidential candidate

Joe Biden


Outside of the country's borders, Jill does not yet play a major role - that is about to change.

Who is the woman?

Jill Biden

was born in 1951 as Jill Tracy Jacobs in

New Jersey

and grew up in


with her four young sisters


After childhood, the eldest child in the family enrolled in a degree in fashion marketing, which she dropped out after a year

to study English

at the University of



At the age of 19, she married a college footballer, from whom she separated after four years.


Meanwhile a well-established team: Jill and Joe Biden in the last TV duel in the US election campaign in 2020. At the beginning of their relationship, however, both faced difficult times.

© Julio Cortez / AP / dpa

Jill Biden: Blind Date with Joe - "Mom, I finally met a gentleman"

In 1975 she met then

Senator Joe Biden

- on a blind date organized by Joe's brother Frank.

After the meeting, Jill is said to have been very enthusiastic about Joe, who was almost nine years her senior, and said to her mother: "Mom, I've finally met a gentleman."

The chemistry between Joe and Jill seemed to fit right away.

The positive mood Jill brought back Biden's zest for life and pulled him from a deep valley of tears.

In 1972 Joe's first wife and childhood

sweetheart Neilia



Naomi were killed in a car accident.

The two sons




survived seriously injured.


came into a difficult family


at first glance, but managed to build a good relationship with the two sons relatively quickly.

She even temporarily gave up her job as an English teacher, which she started after graduating in 1975, to raise the children.

First Biden's sons and later their daughter


, who was born in 1981.


Joe Biden climbed the corporate ladder and hoisted himself to be a presidential candidate.

Jill was second lady when Joe was Vice President - will she soon be first wife?

© Robert Ghement / picture alliance

2020 US election: Jill Biden - unfamiliar role as bodyguard and author


Joe Biden's


candidacy in

1988 and 2008, Jill kept her job while working as an election campaigner and English teacher.

She is now playing a more active role in the current election campaign and can be seen very often at events.

In March, the 69-year-old became an Internet star with her courageous efforts against two troublemakers in an election campaign appearance of her husband.

She fended off two vegan activists who had stormed the stage.

"I'm probably the only presidential candidate whose wife is also the Secret Service," the ex-vice president later joked.

After her husband became the designated Democratic candidate, Jill published the children's book "

Joey: The Story of Joe Biden


in June 2020, which

tells the story of the stuttering and bullied boy.

2020 US election: after Obama's second lady - will Jill Biden now first lady?


Joe Biden

conquered the White House


Barack Obama in


Jill Biden became

US Second Lady


A warm personality, full of energy, eloquent, with a penchant for colorful dresses, high leather boots and pearl jewelry.

And professionally independent: even as a

second lady

, the doctor of education taught at a so-called community college, a kind of intermediate level between school and university.


First and Second Lady: Michelle Obama and Jill Clinton.

© epa / Kamil Krzaczynski / dpa

Unlike the Trumps, the Bidens, who live near Wilmington in the US state of Delaware, always demonstrate closeness and teasing affection. “I'm Joe Biden and I'm Jill's husband,” the presidential candidate likes to introduce himself, the old-school gentleman. Apparently still.

(as with material from afp)

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